Politics — February 14, 2021 at 12:27 am

United States Presidents with Their Years in Office and Party Affiliation


Grade Level: 3-12 | Here is a quick guide to the presidents of the United States highlighting basic information about the individuals who have led our nation. (Images: The White House)

The office of President was created in the United States Constitution in 1788. The first President, George Washington, took office in 1789. The President serves as chief executive and is in charge of the executive branch of the United States government. The United States Constitution makes the President the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Over the years, the powers of the US president have been constantly expanding.

Primary functions

  • Enforcing laws passed by the United States Congress
  • Nominating a Cabinet of advisors
  • Giving pardons or reprieves
  • Making treaties
  • Choosing ambassadors to foreign countries
  • Selecting Judges, and Justices of the Supreme Court

Living former presidents

39. James (Jimmy) E. Carter



39th President:  James (Jimmy) E. Carter
(1977 – 1981)
Born: October 1, 1924 (age 96)



42. William (Bill) J. Clinton



42nd President: William (Bill) J. Clinton
(1993 – 2001)
Born: August 19, 1946 (age 74)



43. George W. Bush



43rd President: George W. Bush
(2001 – 2009)
Born: July 6, 1946 (age 74)



44. Barack Obama



44th President: Barack Obama
(2009 – 2017)
Born: August 4, 1961 (age 59)



Donald John Trump



45th President: Donald John Trump
(2017 – 2021)
Born: June 14, 1946 (age 74)



Joseph R. Biden, Jr.



46th President: Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
(2021 – Present)
Born: November 20, 1942 (age 78)


List of Presidents of the United States

01. George Washington
01. George Washington

1. George Washington
Born: February 22, 1732; Westmoreland County, Virginia
Died: December 14, 1799
Party: None
Term: 1789–1797
Age at Inauguration: 57
Accomplishment Synopsis:
The first President unified the new nation and shaped the chief executive’s duties. He refused to run for a third term. On their wedding day, Martha Washington gave him a miniature portrait of herself. He wore it on a chain around his neck until his death 40 years later.
Vice President: John Adams

02. John Adams
02. John Adams

2. John Adams
Born: October 30, 1735; Braintree, Massachusetts
Died: July 4, 1826
Party: Federalist
Term: 1797–1801
Age at Inauguration: 61
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Adams was the first President to live in the White House. Adams had a tough job filling Washington’s shoes. His advocacy of the Alien and Sedition Acts allowed him to silence critics but made him unpopular. He lost reelection to Thomas Jefferson.
Vice President: Thomas Jefferson

03. Thomas Jefferson
03. Thomas Jefferson

3. Thomas Jefferson
Born: April 13, 1743; Albemarle County, Virginia
Died: July 4, 1826
Party: Democratic-Republican
Term: 1801–1809
Age at Inauguration: 57
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Considered the most brilliant President, he wrote the Declaration of Independence, founded the University of Virginia, and was an architect, a farmer, and a scientist. Jefferson approved the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, which nearly doubled the size of the U.S.
Vice President: Aaron Burr (March 4, 1801 – March 4, 1805) / George Clinton (March 4, 1805 – March 4, 1809)

04. James Madison
04. James Madison

4. James Madison
Born: March 16, 1751; Port Conway, Virginia
Died: June 28, 1836
Party: Democratic-Republican
Term: 1809–1817
Age at Inauguration: 57
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Madison is considered the father of the Bill of Rights. Madison presided over the War of 1812 with Britain, during which the White House was burned. The war ended in a draw.
Vice President: George Clinton (March 4, 1809 – April 20, 1812) (Died in office) / (April 21, 1812 – March 3, 1813) Office vacant (Balance of Clinton’s term). Elbridge Gerry (March 4, 1813 – November 23, 1814) (Died in office) / (November 24, 1814 – March 4, 1817) Office vacant (Balance of Gerry’s term)

05. James Monroe
05. James Monroe

5. James Monroe
Born: April 28, 1758; Westmoreland County, Virginia
Died: July 4, 1831
Party: Democratic-Republican
Term: 1817–1825
Age at Inauguration: 58
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Monroe lived out his retirement in poverty. His term is called the “Era of Good Feeling” because there was little partisan fighting. He formulated the Monroe Doctrine, which declared the Americas off-limits to European meddling.
Vice President: Daniel D. Tompkins

06. John Quincy Adams
06. John Quincy Adams

6. John Quincy Adams
Born: July 11, 1767; Braintree, Massachusetts
Died: February 23, 1848
Party: Democratic-Republican
Term: 1825–1829
Age at Inauguration: 57
Accomplishment Synopsis:
John Adams and John Quincy Adams were the first father and son to have served as Presidents. Accused of winning the White House through corruption, he was plagued by accusations of misdeeds throughout his presidency. After his presidency, Adams served nine terms in the House of Representatives, until his death in 1848.
Vice President: John C. Calhoun

07. Andrew Jackson
07. Andrew Jackson

7. Andrew Jackson
Born: March 15, 1767; Waxhaw settlement, South Carolina
Died: June 8, 1845
Party: Democratic
Term: 1829–1837
Age at Inauguration: 61
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Jackson was the first President to ride on a train. Though he was a rich planter, Jackson was considered the common people’s friend. Dubbed “Old Hickory” because he was so tough, Jackson greatly expanded the powers of the Presidency.
Vice President: John C. Calhoun (March 4, 1829 – December 28, 1832) (Resigned from office) / (December 29, 1832 – March 3, 1833)Office vacant
(Balance of Calhoun’s term). Martin Van Buren (March 4, 1833 – March 4, 1837)

08. Martin Van Buren
08. Martin Van Buren

8. Martin Van Buren
Born: December 5, 1782; Kinderhook, New York
Died: July 24, 1862. Party: Democratic
Party: Democrat
Term: 1837–1841
Age at Inauguration: 54
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Van Buren was the first President to be born an American citizen, rather than a British subject. Van Buren’s Presidency was marred by an economic depression that led to bank failures and food riots. He was easily defeated for reelection.
Vice President: Richard M. Johnson

09. William Henry Harrison
09. William Henry Harrison

9. William Henry Harrison
Born: February 9, 1773; Berkeley, Virginia
Died: April 4, 1841
Party: Whig
Term: 1841
Age at Inauguration: 68
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Harrison delivered a marathon inaugural speech during which he caught a cold. He died a month later. Harrison was the first President to die in office and he served the briefest term.
Vice President: John Tyler (Succeeded to presidency)

10. John Tyler
10. John Tyler

10. John Tyler
Born: March 29, 1790; Greenway, Virginia
Died: January 18, 1862
Party: Whig
Term: 1841–1845
Age at Inauguration: 51
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Tyler had 15 children, more than any President. Tyler was expected to be a passive “acting President” while he finished Harrison’s term, but he refused to be passive. He made enemies in Congress and was the first President to be threatened with impeachment. The effort failed.
Vice President: Office vacant

11. James K. Polk
11. James K. Polk

11. James K. Polk
Born: November 2, 1795; near Pineville, North Carolina
Died: June 15, 1849
Party: Democratic
Term: 1845–1849
Age at Inauguration: 49
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Polk is the only President to have served as Speaker of the House. Polk was the first “dark horse” or little-known nominee to become President. He presided over the Mexican War, which added Texas, California, and other territory to the United States.
Vice President: George M. Dallas

12. Zachary Taylor
12. Zachary Taylor

12. Zachary Taylor
Born: November 24, 1784; Orange County, Virginia
Died: July 9, 1850
Party: Whig
Term: 1849–1850
Age at Inauguration: 64
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Taylor won fame as a general in the Mexican War. His soldiers called him “Old Rough and Ready.” Taylor threatened to use force to keep the South from leaving the Union. After his death, a compromise allowed slavery to continue in the South.
Vice President: Millard Fillmore (Succeeded to presidency)

13. Millard Fillmore
13. Millard Fillmore

13. Millard Fillmore
Born: January 7, 1800; Locke, New York
Died: March 8, 1874
Party: Whig
Term: 1850–1853
Age at Inauguration: 50
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Fillmore approved the Compromise of 1850, allowing slavery in the South. But neither the North nor the South was happy with it, and Fillmore was blamed for the law’s failure. In 1856, Fillmore ran for President on the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party ticket.
Vice President: Office vacant

14. Franklin Pierce
14. Franklin Pierce

14. Franklin Pierce
Born: November 23, 1804; Hillsboro, New Hampshire
Died: October 8, 1869
Party: Democratic
Term: 1853–1857
Age at Inauguration: 48
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Pierce’s wife hated Washington, D.C., so much, that she fainted when she found out he had been nominated for President. Pierce supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which gutted the Compromise of 1850.
Vice President: William R. King (March 4 – April 18, 1853) (Died in office) / (April 18, 1853 – March 4, 1857) Office vacant (Balance of King’s term)

15. James Buchanan
15. James Buchanan

15. James Buchanan
Born: April 23, 1791; near Mercersburg, Pennsylvania
Died: June 1, 1868
Party: Democratic
Term: 1857–1861
Age at Inauguration: 65
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Buchanan was the only bachelor to ever serve in the White House. Buchanan tried in vain to find a compromise to keep the South from seceding from the Union but failed.
Vice President: John C. Breckinridge

16. Abraham Lincoln
16. Abraham Lincoln

16. Abraham Lincoln
Born: February 12, 1809; near Hodgenville, Kentucky
Died: April 15, 1865
Party: Republican
Term: 1861–1865
Age at Inauguration: 52
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Lincoln led the Union into the Civil War to preserve the nation and end slavery. He was assassinated just five days after the Confederate armies surrendered. Polls show that Lincoln is the most admired President.
Vice President: Hannibal Hamlin (March 4, 1861 – March 4, 1865) / Andrew Johnson (March 4 – April 15, 1865) (Succeeded to presidency)

17. Andrew Johnson
17. Andrew Johnson

17. Andrew Johnson
Born: December 29, 1808; Raleigh, North Carolina
Died: July 31, 1875
Party: National Union
Term: 1865–1869
Age at Inauguration: 56
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Succeeding Lincoln, Johnson found himself in bitter battles with Congress over Reconstruction. He was impeached and tried by the Senate but was acquitted by one vote. Johnson was the only southern senator to stay loyal to the Union.
Vice President: Office vacant

18. Ulysses S. Grant
18. Ulysses S. Grant

18. Ulysses S. Grant
Born: April 27, 1822; Point Pleasant, Ohio
Died: July 23, 1885
Party: Republican
Term: 1869–1877
Age at Inauguration: 46
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Grant was born Hiram Ulysses Grant, but an error on his application to West Point changed his name to Ulysses Simpson Grant. He liked the initials so much that he kept the name. Grant was the top Union military hero of the Civil War. His two terms were marred by scandals.
Vice President: Schuyler Colfax (March 4, 1869 – March 4, 1873) / Henry Wilson (March 4, 1873 – November 22, 1875) (Died in office) / (November 23, 1875 – March 4, 1877) Office vacant (Balance of Wilson’s term)

19. Rutherford B. Hayes
19. Rutherford B. Hayes

19. Rutherford B. Hayes
Born: October 4, 1822; Delaware, Ohio
Died: January 17, 1893
Party: Republican
Term: 1877–1881
Age at Inauguration: 54
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Hayes is one of five Presidents to lose the popular vote but win the office. He won the election by one electoral vote. Hayes’s wife, Lucy, was the first First Lady to graduate from college.
Vice President: William A. Wheeler

20. James A. Garfield
20. James A. Garfield

20. James A. Garfield
Born: November 19, 1831; Orange, Ohio
Died: September 19, 1881
Party: Republican
Term: 1881
Age at Inauguration: 49
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Garfield set out to reform the “spoils system” by which politicians gave their friends low-level political offices. He was assassinated by a disappointed office seeker. Garfield was the first left-handed President.
Vice President: Chester A. Arthur (Succeeded to presidency)

21. Chester A. Arthur
21. Chester A. Arthur

21. Chester A. Arthur
Born: October 5, 1829; Fairfield, Vermont
Died: November 18, 1886
Party: Republican
Term: 1881–1885
Age at Inauguration: 51
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Arthur was unknown before being elected, but surprised people by being honest and responsible. He helped create the Civil Service. As a lawyer, Arthur defended a black woman who had been abused on a streetcar. He won the case, which led the streetcar companies to integrate.
Vice President: Office vacant

22. Grover Cleveland
22. Grover Cleveland

22. Grover Cleveland
Born: March 18, 1837; Caldwell, New Jersey
Died: June 24, 1908
Party: Democratic
Terms: 1885–1889; 1893–1897
Age at Inauguration: 47; 55
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Cleveland is the only President to be elected to two non-consecutive terms. Cleveland expanded the Civil Service and ended wasteful government programs. But an economic depression wrecked his second term.
Vice President: Thomas A. Hendricks (March 4 – November 25, 1885) (Died in office) / (November 26, 1885 – March 4, 1889) Office vacant (Balance of Hendricks’s term)

23. Benjamin Harrison
23. Benjamin Harrison

23. Benjamin Harrison
Born: August 20, 1833; North Bend, Ohio
Died: March 13, 1901
Party: Republican
Term: 1889–1893
Age at Inauguration: 55
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Harrison was caught between reformers who were fighting the spoils system and those who wanted to continue it and was defeated after one term. Harrison’s grandfather was President William Henry Harrison.
Vice President: Levi P. Morton

24. Grover Cleveland
24. Grover Cleveland

24. Grover Cleveland
Born: March 18, 1837; Caldwell, New Jersey
Died: June 24, 1908
Party: Democratic
Terms: 1885–1889; 1893–1897
Age at Inauguration: 47; 55
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Cleveland expanded the Civil Service and ended wasteful government programs. But an economic depression wrecked his second term. Cleveland is the only President to be elected to two non-consecutive terms.
Vice President: Adlai Stevenson

25. William McKinley
25. William McKinley

25. William McKinley
Born: January 29, 1843; Niles, Ohio
Died: September 14, 1901
Party: Republican
Term: 1897–1901
Age at Inauguration: 54
Accomplishment Synopsis:
McKinley led the United States during the Spanish-American War. The United States won several important overseas colonies. Only moments after handing a girl his “lucky” red carnation, McKinley was assassinated.
Vice President: Garret Hobart (March 4, 1897 – November 21, 1899) (Died in office) / Office vacant
(Balance of Hobart’s term) (November 22, 1899 – March 4, 1901) / Theodore Roosevelt (March 4, 1901 – September 14, 1901) (Succeeded to presidency)

26. Theodore Roosevelt
26. Theodore Roosevelt

26. Theodore Roosevelt
Born: October 27, 1858; New York, New York
Died: January 6, 1919
Party: Republican
Term: 1901–1909
Age at Inauguration: 42
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Roosevelt was one of the most activist Presidents. His many accomplishments included the building of the Panama Canal, cracking down on business monopolies, and creating many national parks. Roosevelt was the first President to visit a foreign country while in office.
Vice President: Office vacant (September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1905) / Charles W. Fairbanks (March 4, 1905 – March 4, 1909)

27. William Howard Taft
27. William Howard Taft

27. William Howard Taft
Born: September 15, 1857; Cincinnati, Ohio
Died: March 8, 1930
Party: Republican
Term: 1909–1913
Age at Inauguration: 51
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Taft continued many of Roosevelt’s policies. A conservative, he alienated the progressive wing of his party and lost reelection. Taft is the only President who became a Supreme Court Justice.
Vice President: James S. Sherman (March 4, 1909 – October 30, 1912) (Died in office) / Office vacant (October 31, 1912 – March 4, 1913) (Balance of Sherman’s term)

28. Woodrow Wilson
28. Woodrow Wilson

28. Woodrow Wilson
Born: December 29, 1856; Staunton, Virginia
Died: February 3, 1924
Party: Democratic
Term: 1913–1921
Age at Inauguration: 56
Accomplishment Synopsis:
After initially opposing World War I (1914–1918), Wilson led the United States into the war and drafted the peace plan that ended it. Wilson then fought to create the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations. Wilson was the first President to hold a news conference.
Vice President: Thomas R. Marshall

29. Warren G. Harding
29. Warren G. Harding

29. Warren G. Harding
Born: November 2, 1865; near Blooming Grove, Ohio
Died: August 2, 1923
Party: Republican
Term: 1921–1923
Age at Inauguration: 55
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Harding died in office, just as massive corruption in the Teapot Dome scandal was about to become public. Harding’s election was the first in which women voted.
Vice President: Calvin Coolidge (Succeeded to presidency)

30. Calvin Coolidge
30. Calvin Coolidge

30. Calvin Coolidge
Born: July 4, 1872; Plymouth Notch, Vermont
Died: January 5, 1933
Party: Republican
Term: 1923–1929
Age at Inauguration: 51
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Coolidge’s term was marked by economic prosperity. However, he ignored signs that the stock market was likely to collapse. Coolidge was known as “Silent Cal.” Once a reporter said to him, “I bet my editor I could get more than two words out of you.” Coolidge replied: “You lose.”
Vice President: Office vacant (August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1925) / Charles G. Dawes (March 4, 1925 – March 4, 1929)

31. Herbert C. Hoover
31. Herbert C. Hoover

31. Herbert C. Hoover
Born: August 10, 1874; West Branch, Iowa
Died: October 20, 1964
Party: Republican
Term: 1929–1933
Age at Inauguration: 54
Accomplishment Synopsis:
The stock market crashed a few months into Hoover’s term. The Great Depression that followed was widely and some say unfairly blamed on Hoover. Hoover organized relief efforts in Europe after both World Wars.
Vice President: Charles Curtis

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt

32. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Born: January 30, 1882; Hyde Park, New York
Died: April 12, 1945
Party: Democratic
Term: 1933–1945
Age at Inauguration: 51
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Roosevelt led the nation during the Great Depression of the 1930s and to victory in World War II (1941–1945). He also greatly expanded the size and role of the federal government through his New Deal social programs. Roosevelt is the only President elected four times.
Vice President: John N. Garner (March 4, 1933 – January 20, 1941) / Henry A. Wallace (January 20, 1941 – January 20, 1945) / Harry S. Truman (January 20 – April 12, 1945) (Succeeded to presidency)

33. Harry S. Truman
33. Harry S. Truman

33. Harry S. Truman
Born: May 8, 1884; Lamar, Missouri
Died: December 26, 1972
Party: Democratic
Term: 1945–1953
Age at Inauguration: 60
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Truman made the fateful decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. World War II ended days later. Truman also led the United States during the Korean War (1950–1953). On his desk, Truman had a plaque that said “The Buck Stops Here.”
Vice President: Office vacant (April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1949) / Alben W. Barkley (January 20, 1949 – January 20, 1953)

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower
34. Dwight D. Eisenhower

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Born: October 14, 1890; Denison, Texas
Died: March 28, 1969
Party: Republican
Term: 1953–1961
Age at Inauguration: 62
Accomplishment Synopsis:
A former World War II general and hero, Eisenhower helped end the Korean War and steered a moderate course during the Cold War. One of America’s most famous soldiers, “Ike” had wanted to go to the Naval Academy instead of West Point. He was turned down for being too old.
Vice President: Richard Nixon

35. John F. Kennedy
35. John F. Kennedy

35. John F. Kennedy
Born: May 29, 1917; Brookline, Massachusetts
Died: November 22, 1963
Party: Democratic
Term: 1961–1963
Age at Inauguration: 43
Accomplishment Synopsis:
In 1962, the United States and the Soviet Union hovered on the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy eventually forced the Soviets to back down. He was assassinated in the third year of his term. Kennedy is the only Roman Catholic to become President.
Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson (Succeeded to presidency)

36. Lyndon B. Johnson
36. Lyndon B. Johnson

36. Lyndon B. Johnson
Born: August 27, 1908; near Stonewall, Texas
Died: January 22, 1973
Party: Democratic
Term: 1963–1969
Age at Inauguration: 55
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Johnson passed sweeping antipoverty and civil rights programs. However, he also involved the United States in the unpopular Vietnam War. Antiwar protests caused him to drop a reelection bid. Johnson was sworn into office on an airplane after the Kennedy assassination.
Vice President: Office vacant (November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1965) / Hubert Humphrey (January 20, 1965 – January 20, 1969)

37. Richard M. Nixon
37. Richard M. Nixon

37. Richard M. Nixon
Born: January 9, 1913; Yorba Linda, California
Died: April 22, 1994
Party: Republican
Term: 1969–1974
Age at Inauguration: 56
Accomplishment Synopsis:
During Nixon’s first term, he improved relations with the Soviet Union and China and wound down the Vietnam War. Following Nixon’s reelection, news of the Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign before Congress could impeach him. He is the only U.S. President in history to resign his office.
Vice President: Spiro Agnew (January 20, 1969 – October 10, 1973) (Resigned from office) / Office vacant (October 10 – December 6, 1973) / Gerald Ford (December 6, 1973 – August 9, 1974) (Succeeded to presidency)

38. Gerald R. Ford
38. Gerald R. Ford

38. Gerald R. Ford
Born: July 14, 1913; Omaha, Nebraska
Died: December 26, 2006
Party: Republican
Term: 1974–1977
Age at Inauguration: 61
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Ford became Vice President after Nixon’s Vice President resigned in disgrace, and then President after Nixon resigned. His pardon of Nixon was unpopular, probably costing him reelection. Ford is the only President never elected President or Vice President.
Vice President: Office vacant (August 9 – December 19, 1974) / Nelson Rockefeller (December 19, 1974 – January 20, 1977)

39. James (Jimmy) E. Carter
39. James (Jimmy) E. Carter

39. James (Jimmy) E. Carter
Born: October 1, 1924; Plains, Georgia
Party: Democratic
Term: 1977–1981
Age at Inauguration: 52
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Carter had success promoting Middle East peace. But soaring oil prices, high inflation, and the Iran hostage crisis made him look weak and ineffectual. Since leaving office, Carter has traveled the world doing charity work.
Vice President: Walter Mondale

40. Ronald W. Reagan
40. Ronald W. Reagan

40. Ronald W. Reagan
Born: February 6, 1911; Tampico, Illinois
Died: June 5, 2004
Party: Republican
Term: 1981–1989
Age at Inauguration: 69
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Reagan is credited with reviving national pride after the turmoil of the 1960s and 1970s. He enjoyed great popularity, though his conservative policies were controversial. Reagan is the only President to survive after being wounded by a would-be assassin.
Vice President: George H. W. Bush

41. George H. W. Bush
41. George H. W. Bush

41. George H. W. Bush
Born: June 12, 1924; Milton, Massachusetts
Party: Republican
Term: 1989–1993
Age at Inauguration: 64
Accomplishment Synopsis:
During Bush’s term, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the Cold War ended. He also led the United States in the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq. But economic troubles at home cost him his reelection bid. Bush was the first sitting Vice President to be elected President since Martin Van Buren.
Vice President: Dan Quayle

42. William (Bill) J. Clinton
42. William (Bill) J. Clinton

42. William (Bill) J. Clinton
Born: August 19, 1946; Hope, Arkansas
Party: Democratic
Term: 1993–2001
Age at Inauguration: 46
Accomplishment Synopsis:
When he was 16, Clinton met President Kennedy at the White House. The experience inspired his interest in politics. Clinton achieved goals such as passage of the NAFTA trade agreement and cuts in the budget deficit. But his popularity was uneven, and his second term was marred by scandal, including impeachment.
Vice President: Al Gore

43. George W. Bush
43. George W. Bush

43. George W. Bush
Born: July 6, 1946; New Haven, Connecticut
Party: Republican
Term: 2001–2009
Age at Inauguration: 54
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Just eight months after being sworn in, President Bush had to unite a mournful country after the September 11th terrorist attacks. A self-proclaimed wartime commander-in-chief, President Bush, like his father, led the United States into war against Iraq. Before focusing on national politics, George Bush was the managing partner and part owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team from 1989–1998.
Vice President: Dick Cheney

44. Barack Obama
44. Barack Obama

44. Barack Obama
Born: August 4, 1961; Honolulu, Hawaii
Party: Democrat
Term: 2009–2017
Age at Inauguration: 47
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Barack Obama gained national recognition after he delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. He served as the U.S. Senator for Illinois from 2005 to 2008. Barack Obama is the first African American president of the United States.
Vice President: Joe Biden

45. Donald Trump
45. Donald Trump

45. Donald Trump
Born: June 14, 1946; New York City, NY
Party: Republican
Term: 2017-2021
Age at Inauguration: 70
Accomplishment Synopsis:
Donald Trump was a businessman who began his career in real estate. He later became a reality television personality. He is the first president who has neither held public office nor served in the military.
Vice President: Mike Pence

Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
46. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

46. Joseph R. Biden Jr
Born: November 20, 1942; Scranton, PA
Party: Democrat
Term: 2021-Present
Age at Inauguration: 78
Accomplishment Synopsis:
At age 29, President Biden became one of the youngest people ever elected to the United States Senate. President Biden represented Delaware for 36 years in the U.S. Senate before becoming the 47th Vice President of the United States. President Biden graduated from the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law School and served on the New Castle County Council. Just weeks after his Senate election, tragedy struck the Biden family when his wife Neilia and daughter Naomi were killed, and sons Hunter and Beau were critically injured, in an auto accident.
Vice President: Kamala Harris

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