Author: The Africa Study Bible (ASB)

Honoring Women as Done in the Scripture

Honoring Women as Done in the Scripture

God created human beings as male and female and told them to multiply and rule over his creation (Genesis 1:27). Men and women work alongside each other while acknowledging they are different. The Bible tells of women who had a powerful influence on their children, their husbands, and their nations. Women of Influence Many women stand out for their faith […]

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Why We Should Value our Youth

Why We Should Value our Youth

A wise man once said to young people, “It is wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it” (Ecclesiastes 11:9). Being young has many advantages. Youth are: Curious. Jesus was found in the temple at the age of twelve “listening to them and asking questions” (Luke 2:46). God-given curiosity is the best motivation for learning. Attractive. Joseph was “a very handsome […]

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