Category: Kidnapping

Update Regarding Kidnapped Brothers In Christ on February 14, 2021

Update Regarding Kidnapped Brothers In Christ on February 14, 2021

Good news! Kidnappers have released kidnapped brethren to the mission house where they abducted them. Since it is night in Nigeria, they hope to start off next morning for Kaduna. Thank God for answering prayers and for showing us mercy. Pray for safety in the trip to Kaduna and for quick healing from the trauma. Pray especially that they will […]

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Nigeria’s Zamfara school abduction: More than 300 Nigerian girls missing

Why are schoolchildren being abducted? “The global attention generated by the #BringBackOurGirls campaign showed armed groups that the mass abduction of children was a sure way of applying pressure on authorities, including asking for ransom, although the authorities always deny paying.” Analysis by Mayeni Jones, BBC Nigeria Correspondent Police say they believe the girls were taken to a forest after being […]

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Global Zoom Virtual Prayer On Saturday February 27, 2021 for the Kidnapped ECWA Saints

Global Zoom Virtual Prayer On Saturday February 27, 2021 for the Kidnapped ECWA Saints

Although it’s fairly easy to thank the Lord after we’ve already received the victory, We must give God praise before we see the actual victory. You are invited to a global Zoom virtual Prayer for the ECWA saints kidnapped on February 14, 2021 after a successful evangelistic outreach in Kogi state, Nigeria. Irrespective of what happens between now and the prayer […]

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Several Nigerian students abducted by armed ‘bandits’

President Buhari has condemned abduction of 27 students from a secondary school in Niger state. Armed men have kidnapped at least 42 people, including 27 students, from a secondary school in central Nigeria’s Niger state, according to officials. Abdullberqy Ebbo, director general, strategic operation of Niger state in a tweet said “one student was shot by the bandits and lost […]

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Nigeria: Pray for the release of 5 ECWA members kidnapped about 3AM Sunday morning February 14, 2021 in Kogi State

Urgent Prayer Need: Pray for the release of 5 ECWA members kidnapped about 3AM Sunday morning in Kogi State. They are from Kaduna and frequently go on mission trips to villages in Kogi state. They had a successful time of ministering and 93 people accepted Christ and were baptized. The team planned to leave Kogi at 11am Sunday morning for […]

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Nigerian bishops: ‘The killings must stop’

Nigerian bishops have appealed to the government to stop the killings in southern Kaduna state. An Aug. 8 statement signed by Archbishop Augustine Akubeze, conference president, said the bishops “continue to hear of increasing insecurity and unabated acts of terrorism in northern Nigeria. We are all tired of this situation.” The bishops warned that no politician should politicize the killing […]

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