Category: Christian History

Is Christianity, As A Religious Organization, Intolerant?

Is Christianity, As A Religious Organization, Intolerant?

You have heard that it has been said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you, do not fight with the man who wants to fight. Whoever hits you on the right side of the face, turn so he can hit the other side also. If any person takes you to court to get your […]

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From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith

From Plato to Christ: How Platonic Thought Shaped the Christian Faith

Louis Markos is the beloved and brilliant Professor of English at Houston Baptist University. He is a prolific author, leading expert on C.S. Lewis, and has a keen interest in ancient Greece and Rome. All of these and more come with a love for equipping believers to know why they believe what they believe. I have interviewed Lou before. That […]

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The City of Babel: Yesterday and Today

Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:4, NIV We all know the story. It is as old as the Bible itself. And it is as new […]

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Archaeologists discover ancient church and temple in Egypt

Archaeologists unearth monks’ cells and churches with biblical inscriptions dating back to the early Coptic era. Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed the remains of Christian ruins in Egypt’s Western Desert, revealing monastic life in the region in the fifth century AD according to the Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The church was built in the ruins of the Roman […]

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Christianity Through Its Scriptures

 Christianity Through Its Scriptures (Harvard University) Early Christianity is the period of Christianity preceding the First Council of Nicaea in 325. It is typically divided into the Apostolic Age and the Ante-Nicene Period. The first Christians, as described in the first chapters of the Acts of the Apostles, were all Jewish, either by birth, or conversion for which the […]

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Christian History: Richard I (Lion-Heart) of England

Richard I of England, also known as Richard the Lionheart (Cœur de Lion), was born today September 8, 1157 and reigned as king of England from 1189 to 1199 CE. He is son of Henry II of England (r. 1154-1189 CE) and Eleanor of Aquitaine (c. 1122-1204 CE), Richard was known for his courage and successes in warfare, but he […]

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