Category: Freedom

Should We Continue to Celebrate?

Should We Continue to Celebrate?

There is no doubt that our political independence is worth celebrating every year. We have come a long way regarding self-determination and freedom and making our own decisions, whether foolish or wise. However, we must stop and evaluate what we have accomplished, what we are accomplishing, and what we hope to accomplish in the future. We have made some commendable […]

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The Paradox of Freedom and Law

The Paradox of Freedom and Law

Laws are excellent if they do not apply to you. Many young people long for the day they go to college, or somewhere they are no longer under their parents’ ‘restrictive’ rules. However, no sooner than they are out of parental supervision than they must submit to new restrictive rules in colleges or places of work. Freedom is not the […]

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Satan Is Still Deceiving; Don’t Be A Victim!

Satan Is Still Deceiving; Don’t Be A Victim!

Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Gen. 1:13 A dam and Eve were created sinless but had the moral responsibility of obeying God to remain sinless. God gave only one warning to the couple: “You must not eat from the tree of […]

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Pope Francis meets Canadian Indigenous leaders at the Vatican on April 1, 2022. (Image by Vatican Media)

Pope Francis expresses ‘sorrow and shame’ for Catholic role in abuse against Indigenous peoples

VVatican City, Pope Francis on Friday expressed his “sorrow and shame” for the role Catholics have played in the abuse of Indigenous peoples in Canada, especially in residential schools. During a meeting with representatives of the Métis, Inuit, and First Nations groups at the Vatican on April 1, the pope condemned colonization, saying he was sorry for the historic evil […]

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Martin Luther King Jr: MLK/FBI documentary on surveillance – BBC News

Martin Luther King Jr: MLK/FBI documentary on surveillance (BBC News) Shortly after Dr Martin Luther King Jr led the march on Washington, FBI agents were ordered to start following the famed civil rights leader. The extent of the surveillance shocked documentary maker Sam Pollard so much he decided to start digging. He managed to uncover FBI documents, sourced secret White […]

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Practical Freedom

At every pass we have absorbed laws, not of morality, which are liberating, but of etiquette, which is a curb on adventure and genius, and of security and sloth, which deaden the soul. In his wonderful and artistic autobiography, Chuck Amuck, Chuck Jones, the principal creator of such animated comic geniuses as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, reminds us of […]

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