Category: Wealth

Cathedral by Peter H.

Can you handle wealth?

Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. (Pro. 30:8) Every believer will shout a big Amen to the prayer of deliverance from falsehood and lies. But what is wrong with having extra cash or some sumptuous snacks in between our meals? God wants each one of us […]

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Jesus’ counsel to the rich young man (Image Pinterest)

Want To Be Rich? Read This First!

Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint (Pro. 23:4). Verses like this in the Bible are counterintuitive. Every human being exerts some effort to be rich or wealthy. Such wealth is held in liquid form, stocks/bonds, or other assets. Thankfully, the verse did not say that we should not exert any effort at […]

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Finding Life, Prosperity, and Honor

Finding Life, Prosperity, and Honor

“He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor” (Pro. 21:21). “Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life” (Pro. 22:4). Without any doubt life, prosperity and honor are what we individually need to be fulfilled. Life is a gift to exist both now and the hereafter. The quality of life matters a […]

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Building Back Greener in Africa

African leaders highlight the opportunity for a triple dividend: reduced risk, increased resilience and strengthened recovery. COVID-19 continues to race across the African continent. People are dying, and even more are being pushed into hunger and poverty, in many cases risking to overturn years of development gains. The numbers are staggering. While the pandemic is only now taking root in […]

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The Best Law Capital Can Buy

In this revealing book, Katharina Pistor argues that the law selectively “codes” certain assets, endowing them with the capacity to protect and produce private wealth. With the right legal coding, any object, claim, or idea can be turned into capital―and lawyers are the keepers of the code. Pistor describes how they pick and choose among different legal systems and legal […]

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