Category: Education

Lessons from Bethlehem

Lessons from Bethlehem

ut you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Micah 5:2 Bethlehem is famous today, and we can learn some lessons from its development. We get acquainted with Bethlehem (Ephrath) for the first time as a town near where Rachel, […]

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Israel Samuel Roberts, a former drug addict, sharing his testimony after being sobered for 12 months at the UMC New Life Recovery Center, in Margibi County, Liberia

New Life Recovery Center honored several for sobriety

Israel Roberts was among several young men who were declared sober for over Twelfth months after they were found hooked on narcotics for eight or more years on September 10, 2022 by the New Life Recovery Center in Sundagar Town, Marshall City, Margibi County. The young men were found to be using “coco” and heroin also known as “Italian White” […]

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Dr. Yar Donlah Gonoway-Gono, President of the United Methodist University of Liberia (image, courtesy of E Julu Swen)

Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono Promises Quality Education

Dr. Gonway-Gono said stakeholders, especially sponsors of students should make sure that their obligation to the university is settled, adding, “This is a tuition based university, by settling your obligations, you will enable us to make sure that quality education is delivered to our students.” Dr. Yar Donlah Gonway-Gono, President of the United Methodist University on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 […]

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Which Web Browser should I use?

Which Web Browser should I use?

The chances are, when you buy a device it comes with a web browser. The majority of the web browsers shipped with your device are generally not as secure. You need to do a little research to find the web browser that is most suitable for the task at hand since there is no cookie cutter kind of web browser […]

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Gov. Kevin Stitt speaks at a press conference at the state Capitol on Sept. 24. Stitt signed a bill into law this week that restricts access to public-school bathrooms and locker rooms to a person's birth sex.

Oklahoma’s Gov. Stitt signs bill restricting school bathrooms to birth sex, effective immediately

An Oklahoma bill limiting access to public-school bathrooms by a person’s birth sex is now law. School districts and charter schools that don’t comply face a 5% deduction in their state funding. That could subtract thousands to millions of dollars, depending on the school system. Gov. Kevin Stitt signed Senate Bill 615 into law Wednesday. An emergency provision in the […]

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The War Against Misinformation Must Be Won by Credibility

The War Against Misinformation Must Be Won by Credibility

In recent years, the world has witnessed several forms of misinformation in all aspects of human lives. Misinformation is waging war and causing a devastating impact on health, nation stability, professionalism, and discrediting science. Misinformation is false, nonfactual, inaccurate information and shifts from the actual truth of information or message. It comes in the form of speculations, myths, and conspiracy […]

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ECWA Theological Seminary Kagoro: Educating the Next Generation of Leaders

Educating the Next Generation of Leaders. You may register on the ECWA Theological Seminary Kagoro website Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) Theological Seminary Kagoro is located in Kaduna State, Nigera. The Seminary is the earliest ECWA theological training institution founded in 1931. The Seminary has trained leaders from various denominations across several countries over the years. Missionaries from all over […]

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Jesus with the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Flickr)

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Leadership books are a dime a dozen today. Step into any local bookstore or shop online. You’ll see right away that books about leadership abound. Everyone has an angle. Some authors offer a key to effective leadership. Many writers have come up with a catchy title. But basically, leaders fall into one of two categories: those who lead according to […]

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Summer Camp Guide 2022

Summer Camp Guide 2022

Summer camps can provide a wonderful opportunity for enrichment, independence, spiritual growth and fun! Summer camp can be especially stressful for family’s finances—even more so during the pandemic. Here are free and less expensive summer day camps where arts and education funding subsidize some excellent New York City programs so all children can enjoy a fantastic summer camp experience. Free […]

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(Photo: Unsplash)

Black Christians call for investigation into racism over treatment of Child Q

The leading black Christian body in the UK has expressed its “shock and deeply felt outrage” over the treatment of a 15-year-old black schoolgirl who was strip searched by police. Child Q was removed from an exam and searched by officers after she was wrongly suspected by teachers of possessing cannabis. The search of Child Q was undertaken by officers […]

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