Category: Thanksgiving

God Gets All the Thanks!

God Gets All the Thanks!

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1Thes. 5:18). This is Thanksgiving Week, and we redirect our attention to our benevolent Father from whom all good things come. On a typical day, we say thank you several times to different people – to our spouses for services rendered, to strangers who hold […]

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Reasons to Be Thankful to God

Reasons to Be Thankful to God

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, … will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phi. 4:7-8 Stress has always been a part of our human experience since the fall. We are conquering our world with technologies […]

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Global Zoom Virtual Prayer On Saturday February 27, 2021 for the Kidnapped ECWA Saints

Global Zoom Virtual Prayer On Saturday February 27, 2021 for the Kidnapped ECWA Saints

Although it’s fairly easy to thank the Lord after we’ve already received the victory, We must give God praise before we see the actual victory. You are invited to a global Zoom virtual Prayer for the ECWA saints kidnapped on February 14, 2021 after a successful evangelistic outreach in Kogi state, Nigeria. Irrespective of what happens between now and the prayer […]

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The Theology of Thanksgiving

People are sometimes confused by my accent. “Are you English?” they ask. Not with a name like mine! No indeed. I am a Yank through and through. I was brought up in Pennsylvania and went to college in South Carolina, but the English accent thing is because I overdosed on C.S. Lewis and T.S. Eliot and on a youthful dream, […]

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