Author: Jesus Christ Savior

Holy Sepulchre, detail of the dome over the Katholikon, Jerusalem(Berthold Werner)

The Eastern Christian Churches

by Bible Scriptures | Eastern Christians share many cultural traditions but not the same religious traditions, Christianity divided itself in the East

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The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation resulted from the failure of the Catholic Church to reform itself in time. The dark side of the thirteenth through fifteenth centuries witnessed the errant Fourth Crusade to Constantinople in 1204, the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathari in 1209, and the beginning of the Inquisition which became severely punitive. The Papacy suffered a great loss of respect […]

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Love, Marriage and the Family

Love, Marriage and the Family

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it.” Genesis 1:27-28 Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they […]

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The Lord's Prayer (Le_Pater_Noster) by James Tissot at the Brooklyn Museum.

The Lord’s Prayer

Prayer is the opening of one’s heart and soul in a conversation with God, and thus is an expression of faith in a relationship with God. Jesus himself prayed often, as noted in the Gospel of Luke – before his Baptism (3:21), after healing the sick (5:16), before choosing the Twelve Apostles (6:12), before the Confession of Peter (9:18) and […]

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Christianity Thrives Under The Carolingian Empire (732-814)

Jesus Christ Savior | The Carolingian Empire was among the most significant early medieval empires in Europe. It

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Dante Alighieri (1265-1321): The Divine Comedy

The first formal biography of Dante was the Vita di Dante (also known as Trattatello in laude di Dante), written after 1348 by Giovanni Boccaccio. Although several statements and episodes of it have been deemed unreliable on the basis of modern research, an earlier account of Dante’s life and works had been included in the Nuova Cronica of the Florentine […]

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Genesis 3:15: The Protoevangelium or “First Gospel”

Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament of the Bible, also serves as the first book of the Torah or Pentateuch, spoken of by Jesus as the Law, the specific expression of God’s will. The Torah or תּוֹרָﬣ comprises the first five books of Hebrew Scripture (our Old Testament) – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. 1 The book […]

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Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

The Sayings of Jesus on the cross are the seven expressions biblically attributed to Jesus during his crucifixion. Traditionally, the brief sayings have been called “words”. Christ Jesus died on the Cross to redeem mankind, to save us from our sins because of his love for us. As recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the […]

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The Crusades to the Holy Land

“Undertake this journey for the remission of your sins, with the assurance of the imperishable glory of the Kingdom of Heaven!” 1 Pope Urban II, in one of history’s most powerful speeches, initiated 200 years of the Crusades at the Council of Clermont, France on November 27, 1095 with this impassioned plea. In a rare public session in an open field, […]

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Our Christian Heritage

Sailing for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, Christopher Columbus reached America in the Bahamas on Friday, October 12, 1492. Columbus and his men knelt down and gave thanks to God for their safe voyage and claimed the island a Spanish possession. He christened the island San Salvador – Holy Savior. Curious and friendly natives came out to meet […]

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