Category: Faith & Science

Science vs Religion: Is there a place for faith in the lab?

Science vs Religion: Is there a place for faith in the lab? Can the conflicts between science and religion ever be reconciled? Must it be science vs religion? In this video, chemistry student Jeremy Weber (CAS’16) talks to religious scientists from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths about the ultimate question. A chemistry major and lifelong science addict, Weber is […]

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The Harmony of Faith and Science

It’s a magical experience watching fireflies rise from the ground at dusk and blink their way high into the trees, performing their light show against the night sky. When I learned the science behind how the bugs make their light — a process called bioluminescence — it didn’t make them any less magical to me. Rather, my new insights made […]

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Lack of Faith?

The apostle Paul exhorts Christians to “walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). What we see here is a contrast between truth and perception—what we know and believe to be true and what we perceive to be true. This is where the Christian struggle with a lack of faith finds its basis. The main reason why so […]

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Eric Metaxas Interviews Stephen Meyer On Science And Faith

Eric Metaxas Interviews Stephen Meyer On Science And Faith

According to a nationwide survey, more than two-thirds of atheists and one-third of agnostics believe that “the findings of science make the existence of God less probable,” while nearly half of self-identified theists believe “the findings of science are neutral with regard to the existence of God.” But what if there is another option? What if the discoveries of science […]

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How to Share Your Faith This Week

How to Share Your Faith This Week

by Chris Russell | Research indicates that the majority of unchurched people would attend a church if they were

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Neither Science Nor Reason are in Conflict with Theology

Neither Science Nor Reason are in Conflict with Theology

by Scott Ventureyra | Due to the collapse of the verification principle, the field of natural science and

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Sowers of the Current Chaos

Sowers of the Current Chaos

by Paul Kengor | Charles Murr: He says that Cardinal Gagnon explained to him hundreds of times

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Strengthening Our Faith in a Time of Crisis

Strengthening Our Faith in a Time of Crisis

by R. Jared Staudt | Recognizing the never-ending crisis in the Church does not distract from the

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How Jesus Can Help You Push Past Your Fears

How Jesus Can Help You Push Past Your Fears

Becky Harling | The truth about God is that nothing can separate us from His love. Even if some of our worst fears happen, God’s love does not change (image: James Marler). Recently, I was reading the story found in Matthew’s Gospel where the disciples leave Jesus to go ahead of Him across the Sea of Galilee (Matt. 14:22-33). The […]

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Faith & Science: Why they are Compatible

Faith & Science: A Shared Space

by Timothy W. Massaro | The New Atheists, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and Sam Harris,

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