Category: France

French doctors say 6-year-olds should wear masks when schools restart

French doctors have argued that children as young as six should be required to wear masks as schools across the country prepare to re-open after the summer break on Tuesday. The appeal comes ahead of the return of millions of French schoolchildren to classrooms and amid a spike in coronavirus cases across the country. As it stands, children aged 11 […]

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Palace to Museum: The story of the Louvre

Art of Louvre | Discovery/History/Museum (by Roosev Kelley/BBC) The Palais du Louvre, which houses one of the most stunning collections of artworks in the world, is known first and foremost as a museum. Yet for almost seven hundred years the buildings constituted one of the principal residences of the kings and emperors of France. Built shortly after 1190 by King […]

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