Category: Judaism

Whatever Israel decides, a one-state reality looms

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his new coalition government may not roll the dice this week. The international community has counted the days to July 1 with a degree of dread, wary of Netanyahu following through on his vows to annex parts of Palestinian territory where Jewish settlements sit. But, at the time of this writing, it was not […]

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Gematria For Beginners: The Art and Science Behind Jewish Numerology.

Gematria For Beginners: The Art and Science Behind Jewish Numerology

Gematria For Beginners: The Art and Science Behind Jewish Numerology (YouTube). We all know — and science is making it increasingly clear — that what you see is not what you get: There are multiple dimensions to life and all of existence; layers upon layers with no definitive end in sight. How far down does the rabbit hole go? Can […]

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The Ten Commandments of God. (Image by Goran Horvat)

The Ten Commandments of God

God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai to serve as principles of moral behavior for the human race. The Ten Commandments of God are the foundation of the moral code and legal system of justice for Western Christian civilization. The architecture of the U. S. Supreme Court building reflects this biblical foundation. At the center of the sculpture […]

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Archaeologists Dig Up Authentic Biblical Artifacts at Ancient City of Shiloh

Archaeologists Dig Up Authentic Biblical Artifacts at Ancient City of Shiloh

by Chris Mitchell/CBS News – JERUSALEM, Israel – Archaeology

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Orthodox Rabbis Say Christianity Is God’s Plan, Vatican Says Stop Evangelizing Jews

Alessandra Tarantino / AP Images
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