Category: The Strang Report

Jim Bakker’s Powerful Story Embodies God’s Redemptive and Merciful Love

Jim Bakker is heartily preaching God's Word at 75. (Twitter)           I have known Jim Bakker since the heydays of PTL in the late 1970s. I wrote a Charisma cover story about him in May 1983 after traveling to the relatively new Heritage USA to get a behind-the-scenes look at what was then an increasingly controversial […]

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What You Can Learn From 2 Businessmen Who Impacted a Nation

Robert Levy (l) and Graham Power     A lot is said these days about Christian businessmen and ministry in the marketplace. Entire ministries have grown up focused on this. We featured this topic as the cover story in the most recent issue of Ministry Today magazine.   This is a story about a different type of marketplace ministry—more than […]

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