Category: Views

Building Back Greener in Africa

African leaders highlight the opportunity for a triple dividend: reduced risk, increased resilience and strengthened recovery. COVID-19 continues to race across the African continent. People are dying, and even more are being pushed into hunger and poverty, in many cases risking to overturn years of development gains. The numbers are staggering. While the pandemic is only now taking root in […]

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Opinion – Racial Injustice and the Erosion of America’s Global Standing

A specter is haunting America, one of centuries-old pathologies never structurally addressed. When the 2020 black lives matter protests began, following the police killing of an unarmed man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis, it should have been a domestic crisis. Instead, the outrage following Floyd’s death, compounded by the scandal-prone leadership of the Trump administration, has quickly turned what was originally […]

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In Defense of ‘Common Good Constitutionalism’

Professor at Harvard Law School, Adrian Vermeule, argued in favor of theocracy. On March 31, The Atlantic published an important essay by Adrian Vermeule, a Catholic professor of constitutional law at Harvard University, entitled “Beyond Originalism,” igniting a firestorm of controversy within the internet world of legal and political theory. That a secular magazine like The Atlantic would publish an […]

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What are some ways in which the United States of America is socialist?

All depends on how you define socialism. There are several versions and the right wing has co-oped the term for anything they don’t like about the left wing. In the broadest (and least precise) sense socialism is anything that involves the Federal Government paying for, subsidizing, or otherwise having a managerial role in programs that are supposed to benefit the […]

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The Art of Compassion.

Compassion: A Powerful Force in Achieving Happiness

by ECWA Editorial Board | Toward the late 1970s, very different cultures and nations around the world took a turn to religious fundamentalism, which has occasionally been attributed to “Spirit”. Most people then are believed to be compassionate towards each other or groups of people.  (video: The Compassionate Father – Open Bible Stories (#23) by DistantShoresMedia. Image: Compassion in action: an […]

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How to Become Your True Self

How to Become Your True Self

by Bella DePaulo Ph.D., Harvard | According the “self-concordance theory,” the most important thing we can do to become our true self is to

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10 Ways You Can Make a Difference in Your Community

10 Ways You Can Make a Difference in Your Community

Whole Family Happiness Project | Become a mentor to someone who

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How Does the “Selfie Culture” Affect Young Women Today?

by Rachel Marie Stone | It’s not healthy to dwell too much on how

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Do Ideals Matter Anymore?

by James Kalb | In any event, individual goals aren’t enough for a workable society. There also has to be an overarching principle, traditionally the common good, that ties everything together. Liberal society doesn’t like to talk about the common good, since it views the good as a matter of personal taste, so it takes equal freedom as its overarching […]

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Mormon church challenges legality of leaked documents

by Kimberly Winston | “Issues and Ideas Leading People Away from
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