Tag: Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi

The Doctrine Of Prayer: The Lord Who Cares

FIRST EVANGELICAL CHURCH WINNING ALL (ECWA) CHURCH 5007 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE LOUISVILLE, KY 4021 (502) 375-1904 www.ecwa.wordpress.com, www.ecwausa.org, ecwaky@gmail.com THEME: THE DOCTRINE OF PRAYER TOPIC: THE LORD WHO CARES TEXT: First Peter 5: 1-9 Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi INTRODUCTION The word, “The Doctrine Of Prayer” was written by the man T. W. Hunt in the year 1986.  In reference to […]

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Farewell and Godspeed to Rev. Dr. Stephen Awoniyi family

by Isaac Laudarji, ECWA USA DCC Secretary Since 2002, Rev. Dr. Stephen Awoniyi and his family have served ECWA in Louisville. At a point in time he was the ECWA USA DCC Secretary. About three weeks ago the Awoniyi children decided to relocate their parents to St. Louis Missouri because of heath challenges. Last Sunday June 14th an appreciation service […]

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The Missionary Call

The Missionary Call

THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH WINNING ALL (ECWA) 5007 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE LOUISVILLE, KY 40214 (502) 375-1904 www.ecwa.wordpress.com, www.ecwausa.org, ecwaky@gmail.com TOPIC: THE MISSIONARY CALL TEXT: ROMANS 1: 1-17 Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi INTRODUCTION In reference to the man Bruce Dipple, the phrase, The Missionary call, Theological, or Mythological, could be explained in this way: Is it evangelical jargon? Is it a key […]

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How to Find Hope and Encouragement In a Brokenhearted

How to Find Hope and Encouragement In a Brokenhearted

THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH WINNING ALL (ECWA) 5007 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE LOUISVILLE, KY 4021 (502) 375-1904 www.ecwalouisville.org, www.ecwausa.org, ecwaky@gmail.com TOPIC: How to Find Hope and Encouragement In a Brokenhearted TEXT:  PSALMS 6: 1-10 Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi INTRODUCTION The word “Brokenhearted,” could be defined or viewed as the heart-cry of any person who has experienced or going through loss, loneliness, rejection, […]

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The Power Of Pentecost

THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH WINNING ALL (ECWA) 5007 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE LOUISVILLE, KY 4021 (502) 375-1904 www.ecwa.wordpress.com, www.ecwausa.org, ecwaky@gmail.com THEME: CHRIST’S INDICATIONS OF A GLOBAL PURPOSE IN MISSIONS TOPIC: THE POWER OF PENTECOST TEXT:  Matthew 16: 13-23 Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi INTRODUCTION In reference to the man by the name John Josephus, the phrase, “The Power of Pentecost” could be explained […]

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The Self Revelation of God

The Self Revelation of God

THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH WINNING ALL (ECWA) 5007 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE LOUISVILLE, KY 40214 (502) 375-1904 www.ecwa.wordpress.com, www.ecwausa.org, ecwaky@gmail.com THEME: THE ESSENTIALS OF GLOBAL MISSIONS TOPIC:  THE SELF REVELATION OF GOD TEXT: REVELATION 19: 1-16 Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi INTRODUCTION In reference to the man by the name C. S. Lewis, the word “The Self- Revelation of God” could be explained […]

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The Educational Psychology Of Jesus Christ

The Educational Psychology Of Jesus Christ

THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH WINNING ALL (ECWA) 5007 SOUTHSIDE DRIVE LOUISVILLE, KY 40214 (502) 375-1904 www.ecwalouisville.org, www.ecwausa.org, ecwaky@gmail.com TOPIC:  The Educational Psychology Of Jesus Christ TEXT: Mark 6: 1-16 Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi INTRODUCTION In reference to the woman Donna J. Habenicht, the word Psychology can be explained thus: Modern scientific psychology is a relatively young, multifaceted discipline devoted to […]

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