Ministry, Sermons — July 10, 2013 at 1:46 am

Knowing Today Where You will be Tomorrow


(502) 375-1904,,
THEME:  When the Curtain Opens For You
TOPIC: Knowing Today Where You will be Tomorrow
TEXT: Philippians 3: 10-21

Rev. (Dr.) Stephen K. Awoniyi


A few weeks ago we narrated the story of a man in the Middle East of Baghdad who sent his beloved son to a market place to run an errand.  As soon as the son completed the duty and wanted to go back home he saw a beautiful lady.  The face of this beautiful lady frightened the son and he ran home and reported the lady he saw to his father.  Immediately the father took a horse, ran to the market place and said to the lady, “Why did you frighten my son this morning?”  The lady said she didn’t intend to frighten his son but it was his son that frightened her.

I then emphasized that you and I have an appointment in one place or the other.  And the appointment could be due to cancer, injury, sorrow, or different types of diseases that devour us today.  Be aware that death awaits us as the concrete floor awaits the falling light bulb.  But when we fall into any type of difficulty, be assured that our Almighty Father the Lord is on our side.  That means we have a way of escape because we have someone to call upon.  That is why the Scripture says, Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me (Psalms 50: 15 (NKJV).

In today’s sermon we will focus on the topic titled; “Knowing Today Where You will be Tomorrow.”  Those of us either from Congo, Nigeria, Liberia, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, etc. that came to America know the importance of passport.  Regardless of our status or charisma that passport is what qualifies us to be where we are today.  And that is why the Apostle Paul says, “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 3: 20).       

Step 1:  What God Requires of Us:

Dearly beloved, how perfect do you think you ought to be before you can get to heaven?  The answer is not very difficult; it means you need to be as perfect as God.  If you are not as perfect like the Lord do not think you will get to heaven.  Be assured that when the Lord died on the cross of Calvary He made a sacrifice for our sins.  In order words, even-though the Lord Jesus Christ was perfect yet our Almighty Father made Him who knew no sin to become sinful on our behalf.  This is what the Apostle Paul means when he says:  

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in        Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (2 Cor. 5: 20-21 (KJV).

The above story reminds me of Prophet Isaiah whom the Lord called and sent for a great mission.  The Scripture narrates it thus:

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I,       Here am I; send me (Isaiah 6: 8 (NKJ).

Beloved, the Lord as called you and me today for the great mission dedicated into our hands and it is our responsibility to do it faithfully.  That is why a book titled: IWE ORIN FUN IJO ENIA OLORUN NI ILE YORUBA (Hymn 474) says, “Emi ni yi, ran mi” (Isaiah 6: 8).

  1. Pelu ayo l’ a o sise fun Jesu,
    Pelu ife I’ a o f’owo wa se
    Isekise ti O ba yan fun wa,
    L’ ododo l’ a osise, ‘ranse wa

Egbee:           Sise fun Jesu,
L’ ayo l’ o lo, l’ ayo, l’ ayo l’ a o lo,
Sise fun Jesu;
Ninu ogba Re l’aiye

  1. Pelu adun li a o so itan naa,
    Ti ‘fe nla Re s’ awon enia,
    Kristi itansan Ogo ti Baba,
    Lofe l’ On y’o fi ‘bukun fun wa,
  2. Pelu ‘reti l’a o sise f’Oluwa,
    A o fi otito rin lona Re
    A o t’ asako sodo Olugbala,

A o f’ Od’ aguntan han elese    


Step 2: The Story of D. L. Moody:

According to the man George Johnson, Dwight L. Moody was born in Northfield, Massachusetts to a large family.  His father, Edwin J. Moody died at the age of 41 years (1800-1841) when his son was only four years old.  Edwin J. Moody’s mother was Betsey Moody who was born in 1805 and died in 1896.  Edwin and Betsey Moody had five sons and a daughter.  When D. L. Moody turned seventeen (17) years he moved to Boston to work.  In reverence to Erwin W. Lutzer in his book titled; “ONE MINUTE AFTER YOU DIE” he said thus:

D. L. Moody at death caught a glimpse of heaven.  Awakening from sleep he said, “Earth recedes, Heaven opens before me.  If this is death, it is sweet!  There is no valley here.  God is calling me and I must go!” (One Minute After You Die, Page 182).

According to Erwin W. Lutzer again, he said about John Bunyan thus:

Just before John Bunyan died, he said, Weep not for me, but for yourselves.  I go to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will through the mediation of His blessed Son receive me though a sinner; there we shall meet to sing the new song and remain everlastingly happy, world without end (One Minute After You Die, Page 183). 


Dearly beloved, life challenges are not supposed to paralyze us, but to help us discover who we are.  Successful Christians keep moving, they may make mistakes but they should not quit.  Our Almighty Father who created the world from be beginning and entrusted His mission into our hand is on our side and He will never live us nor forsake us.  But the question is, how faithfully and honestly are you committing yourself to do His mission.


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