Welcome! — December 4, 2013 at 6:03 pm

Praise and Prayer; December, 2013


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Praise and Prayer; December, 2013
Prayer/Counseling hotline: 07064359520
E-mail: prayerpromotion@emsofecwa.org
Website: www.emsofecwa.org
Brethren, pray for us (1 Thess 5:25)

SUNDAY 1st   PRAISE GOD: Praise God for granting us the grace to see a new month.

MONDAY 2nd  EMS HEADQUARTERS: Thank God for His provision for the EMS head office to have been able to purchase some essential vehicles that will enhance EMS operations and supervision. Indeed, our God is faithful!  

TUESDAY 3rd EMS CHILDREN’S SCHOOL: Today is the dedication of a block of 2 classrooms at the EMS Children’s school Lakweme donated by a home supporter. Please pray for the success of this program. The director will then move on to Jalingo to discuss opening of a new EMS Regional Office there bringing EMS Regional Offices to 10. Pray for journey mercies and God’s favour.

WEDNESDAY 4th ECWA SPASTORS’ CONFERENCE: Thank God for the success of the just concluded ECWA Pastors’ conference that was held in Lagos. Thank God also for granting all the participants journey mercies to and from the venue of the conference. Armed robbers attacked some of them on their way back and stole their personal belongings. But thank God, no life was lost.

THURSDAY 5th  CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for using one of our Missionaries in Tungan Lemo Kuchi LCC.  Through his teachings in his discipleship class, one of the members had a call to attend The ECWA Theological Training Institute (ETTI) Adunu.

FRIDAY 6th CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for the new converts this month. Thank God also for two motorcycles. Pray for one of our Missionaries; Pastor Daniel Wassa who bought a new motorcycle last October but which was stolen the following month by one of his new Fulani professed convert who was staying with him. Pray that pastor Daniel will not be discouraged and for this Fulani to really encounter the Lord.

SATURDAY 7th  CENTRAL REGION: Praise God for a special gift of vast acres of land with four houses from the ECWA Rural Development (ERD) to the EMS of ECWA to use for a long period of time at Adunu village. Pray for the family of one of our supporters in Garki DCC, Sunday Obaba. He died last month. Pastor Magaji too lost his father. Please pray for him.

SUNDAY 8th   FAR NORTH REGION: Thank God for the successful awareness in Tsiga DCC. Thank God for the 37 new converts and 144 people that amended their ways right with God last month. Pray for Kano DCC as the support for the work is becoming low. Ask God to move the hearts of His people to give for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Pray for our new Muslim converts, Amina and Sayid.

MONDAY 9th   NORTH-EAST REGION: Thank God for our Missionaries in Borno and Yobe States. In the midst of serial attacks by the Boko Haram sect, they remain faithful. Pray for their continual protection.

TUESDAY 10th NORTH WEST REGION: Thank God for the success of the mission’s awareness in Katari DCC. As a result of it, the region got many new smaller donors. Thank God for His protection over our missionaries. Pray that God will encourage  the EMS Coordinator in Kaduna Central DCC that had an accident.  Pray for the replacement of his motorcycle which was also stolen.

WEDNESDAY 11th ECWA HEADQUATERS: Today, the ECWA headquarters is organizing its annual Christmas carol service. Pray for the success of this program.

THURSDAY 12th   MID CENTRAL REGION: Thank God for the relative peace experienced now in Manchok DCC in regard to the previous Atakar-Fulani Jihadist attacks. Pray for more supporters in this region.  As the end of the year is drawing near, payment of salaries is always difficult due to lack of adequate support.

FRIDAY 13th   SOUTH EAST REGION: Praise God for a successful outreach to Eket. Many people gave their lives to Christ. Praise God also for a successful outreach organized by the women of the Enugu LCC to one of our mission stations at Ugbawka. Many people gave their lives to Christ. Pray for the souls that came to the Lord as a result of these outreaches.

SATURDAY 14th SOUTH EAST REGION: A missionary who can speak Hausa and English languages is urgently needed at the Nigerian Law School Agbani. Pray for this item. Pray for God to raise good supporters for this region.

SUNDAY 15th   NORTH CENTRAL REGION: More missionaries are urgently needed in this region, please pray. Our Missionaries in Walim, Zomo and Lifidi need motorcycles. Please pray for God’s provision. Thank God for the Evangelism Team in Dadin Kowa LCC which purchased a land in Fadan-Zigam to build a church and a Mission Field school for EMS.

MONDAY 16th MID EAST REGION: Thank God for the successful retirement service of  our former missionary Rev. Bisong and for the enablement to successfully pay our missionaries’ salaries last month. Praise God for the new converts last month.

TUESDAY 17th CROSSBORDER: Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in caring for our missionaries in their respective fields. Thank God for the EMS director, the EMS management and the entire EMS family for their tireless prayers for our Missionaries in the foreign fields. Also thank God for His provisions. Thank God for the head office to have been able to pay our foreign missionaries' salaries up to December 2013.

WEDNESDAY 18th  CROSSBORDER; TOGO: Thank God for the Wahala church project that is almost completed. Thank God too for the purchase of Atakpame Land and the temporary place of worship that has been erected. Pray that God will give a bountiful harvest. Pray that God will provide 1.7m for the purchase of land in Zopomahe in Lome town. Pray for Pastor and Mrs Sodji that God will continue to bless their ministry. Pray for all our missionaries and Pastors in Togo that God will give them bountiful harvest.

THURSDAY 19th CROSSBORDER; THE GAMBIA: Praise God for His grace in the Lives of our Missionaries in the Gambia. Thank God for the discipleship classes that Pastor Shammang has started with the field missionaries and church members in Banjul. Praise God for the renovation work that is going on in Bara. Pray that God will give him strength and wisdom to do it well. Pray for new prayer houses that need missionaries that God will provide the manpower. Pray for more harvest of Souls into his kingdom in The Gambia.

FRIDAY 20th  CROSSBORDER; MALAWI: Praise God for Presence of Rev and Mrs. Joseph La'azarus in Malawi. Praise God for protecting them when thieves went into their compound.  The thieves did not succeed in stealing anything. Praise God also for the good work they are doing in training our church leaders. Pray for them as they plan to expand the work to Mozambique, that God will continue to give wisdom and understanding. Also pray that God will hasten the registration of the Church in Malawi.  Pray for greater harvest.

SATURDAY 21st CROSSBORDER; CAMEROUN: Praise God for encouraging our missionaries working with the Baptist Church Cameroun,  Rev.Tanimu when his wife and son who were admitted in the hospital. Thank God for their quick recovery. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless their work. Pray for the other missionaries that are in the North of Cameroun that God will bless their work and add more souls into his kingdom.

SUNDAY 22nd  CROSSBORDER; BURKINA FASO: Thank God for healing Pastor Dauda lliya's wife that was admitted in the hospital in Ouagadougou where they are ministring . Praise God for the new converts they have won. Pray that God will help them to grow. Pray for God's provision of plastic chairs for the new converts to sit and worship. Pray for Rev. Ibrahim and Rev Babangida's radio ministry that God will bless it to yield more fruits.

MONDAY 23rd CROSSBORDER; CHAD AND NIGER: Praise God for the news converts. Pray for them that God will continue to help them as they face field challenges. Praise God for the dedication of the missionaries with all the challenges of the ministry field. Pray that God will continue to bless their sacrificial efforts.

TUESDAY 24th CROSSBORDER; CHURCH PLANTERS: Thank you for praying for our Cross Borders’ Coordinator, Rev. Simon Yako and his family. Pray that God will choose for Himself, qualified men and women that would be sent out to our various mission fields outside Nigeria as Cross Borders Missionaries. EMS is in dire need of called, gifted and anointed Evangelists/ Church Planters that would go out to do pioneer work in new Cross Borders Fields.  

WEDNESDAY 25th CHRISTMAS DAY: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given”. Let’s celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

THURSDAY 26th BOXING DAY: Praise God for the gift of life, and of our salvation.

FRIDAY 27th   CITY MINISTRIES: Thank God for healing our children that were sick. One of our cooks was hospitalized. Thank God for a cash donation $5,000 US dollars from Baptist church Tudun Wada. Thank God for the increase in the number of Westerners on Missionary visits to the Ministry because of the return of peace.

SATURDAY 28th  CITY MINISTRIES: There is only a small quantity of grains available for the orphans. Pray for open doors. As we are approaching the end of the year, there are some basic needs of the orphans that the ministry is still trusting God for. Please pray

SUNDAY 29th   SOUTH WEST REGION: Pray for the EMS work in this region, especially for harmonious working relationship between the EMS coordinator and the ECWA pastors in this region.

MONDAY 30th SPORTS FRIENDS: This is the period for heightened sports activities most especially among the youths. Pray for the provision of sports facilities as the ‘Sports Season’ begins.

TUESDAY 31st PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING: Today is the end of the month and the end of the year, 2013. Praise the LORD and give thanks for seeing us through. PRAISE THE LORD!


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