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(703) 292-8470
Michael J. Vanni
(703) 292-8470
(703) 292-4400
(703) 292-4400
(703) 292-4400
Important Information for Proposers
A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 15-1), is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after December 26, 2014. The PAPPG is consistent with, and, implements the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) (2 CFR § 200). Please be advised that the guidelines contained in NSF 15-1 apply to proposals submitted in response to this funding opportunity.
Full Proposal Deadline Date: November 3, 2015
First Tuesday in November, Annually Thereafter

The Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO) awards Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology to recent recipients of the doctoral degree for research and training in selected areas supported by BIO and with special goals for human resource development in biology. The fellowships encourage independence at an early stage of the research career to permit Fellows to pursue their research and training goals in the most appropriate research locations regardless of the availability of funding for the Fellows at that site. For FY 2015 and beyond, these BIO programs are (1) Broadening Participation of Groups Under-represented in Biology, (2) Research Using Biological Collections, and (3) National Plant Genome Initiative (NPGI) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. These areas change periodically as new scientific and infrastructure opportunities present themselves. For this reason, this solicitation will be changed as necessary to reflect the areas being funded.
The fellowships are also designed to provide active mentoring of the Fellows by the sponsoring scientists who will benefit from having these talented young scientists in their research groups. The research and training plan of each fellowship must address important scientific questions within the scope of the BIO Directorate and the specific guidelines in this fellowship program solicitation. Because the fellowships are offered to postdoctoral scientists only early in their careers, NSF encourages doctoral advisors to discuss the availability of these postdoctoral fellowships in biology with their graduate students early in their doctoral programs to ensure potential applicants may take advantage of this funding opportunity. Fellowships are awards to individuals, not institutions, and are administered by the Fellows.

This program provides educational opportunities for Postdoctoral Fellows . Individuals interested in applying for funding should see the program guidelines above.

This program provides educational opportunities for Postdoctoral Fellows . Individuals interested in applying for funding should see the program guidelines above.

How to Apply for Fellowship Applicants
Sponsoring Scientist Statement Instructions
For PRFB Fellows: Administrative Guide for the PRFB Program (NSF 15-501)

How to Apply for Fellowship Applicants


Additional Funding Opportunities for the DEB Community
Additional Funding Opportunities for the IOS Community
Additional Funding Opportunities for the MCB Community
Human Resources Cluster
Plant Genome Research Program

Additional Funding Opportunities for the DEB Community
Additional Funding Opportunities for the IOS Community