Ministry — January 31, 2017 at 1:59 am

How to Encourage Punctuality in all Church Meetings

by Kevin Ashwe – In Psalm 100:1, the writer urges us to “Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing!” (image: David)
Punctuality is a godly virtue that can be taught and instilled in your members.
Why People come late to Church
* Boring services
* Overstretched services
* Lukewarmness
* Secular duties
* Habitual
* Family challenges
* Distance to Church
* Ignorance of the benefits of punctuality
* Misplacement of priority
* When leaders are also late
Tips to Help Inculcate Punctuality to all Church Meetings
* Be exemplary
* Teach them
* Pray for them
* Make services lively
* Keep to time
* Price punctuality highly
* Let all leaders exemplify it
* Make punctuality a key criteria for leadership
* Teach with the anointing and power
* Be persistent but patient


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