Health — April 28, 2017 at 11:09 am

Breaking the Plateau


by Kenny Loy, CN | Mankind lived extraordinarily long lives—912 years on average—for almost 1,700 years. Only after the drastic changes of a global flood and the addition of a meat-eating diet did man's life-span diminish. (image,

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Paul commands us to glorify God in our body, as well as our spirit. This website, utilizing God's inerrant Word, will help you do just that. Use the menu to discover what the Bible says about our spiritual and physical health. Check out my recipe page, too!

My Body His Temple (MBHT) is a health ministry led by Nutritionist, Kenny Loy. His Ask the Nutritionist column and Article of the Month reveal the facts about how God designed our bodies to maintain physical health. The Mission Statement and FAQ will reveal even more about this Christian health ministry.

Achieve the level of health that God intended for you since the Creation. Certified Nutritionist (CN), Kenny Loy, gives biblical and scientific evidence for a return to the original diet. The original diet that God assigned to mankind was fruits and vegetables (Genesis 1:29). Anything from the plant kingdom was fair game (except for the fruit of one tree, of course). Mankind lived extraordinarily long lives—912 years on average—for almost 1,700 years. Only after the drastic changes of a global flood and the addition of a meat-eating diet did man's life-span diminish.

When Daniel was faced with a decision not unlike ours today, he chose a vegan diet (Daniel 1). King Nebuchadnezzar's choice food was very similar to the Standard American Diet (SAD) and Daniel was counted as righteous for refusing it for the Eden Diet. Use this site and your Bible to research this important subject. May God bless you with the wisdom to treat your body as His temple.

Kenny Loy is a Certified Nutritionist, author, and engineer. who worked for the space program for a decade. His studies in biblical nutrition since July 1994 have led to a groundbreaking book, My Body–His Temple: The Prophet Daniel's Guide to Nutrition.


Loy obtained his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 1988 and his Certification in Nutrition in 1999 from American Health Science University. He is a writer, editor, and publisher of A Reason of Our Hope, as well as the webmaster of



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