Connecting....., Prayer — May 26, 2018 at 1:10 pm

With heart-felt gratitude for your support and a request for prayers for the next five years!


by Joshua and Joanna Bogunjoko | “… pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored,…” 2 Thes. 3:1.

On May 31st, I will conclude my first term as SIM’s International Director. Together, Joanna and I and our children would like to express our profound gratitude for your prayers, support and encouragement over the last five years. It has been a journey of joy and growth as well as challenge. We have felt your support and prayers, received your good will, and benefited from your generosity and hospitality. Many of you have hosted us overnight in your homes and for meals – you have blessed us beyond what you know. We are deeply grateful to each one of you our prayer partners, friends and family.

As we turn to face the next five years, Joanna and I find ourselves joyful in hope. We are energized by what we anticipate the Lord will do in and through SIM as a mission. We are more eager than ever to see SIM investing in the new workers that God is bringing to our diverse teams. I look forward to serving with new leaders of our teams and our new international leaders in ways that we have not had the capacity to before. It is our joyfulness in hope that helps us to be patient in affliction. Because the world today is in turmoil and our workers serve in difficult locations, we are dedicated more than ever to people care and development. We desire that our ‘Grow as We Go’ initiative will help us to flourish inwardly even as we focus outwardly on communities where Christ is least known. Patience in affliction drives us to be faithful in prayer, and all the things we desire and hope for are possible only By Prayer.

Joanna and I will set apart the week of May 28 to June 1 as a week of prayer for our next five years of service with SIM. We are inviting you, our prayer partners, to join us that week. Especially consider praying on June 1, the first day of the new term. Please pray for four important items:
1. Pray for the wisdom of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every thought, decision and action.
2. Pray for the anointing and uniting of God on new leadership teams who will bless and draw together the works and workers of SIM; pray for leaders who listen to the Lord.
3. Pray for us as an organization to remain focused on God’s purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known, and of investing in all those whom God is bringing into SIM. In this way, we will grow even as we go to serve Him.
4. Pray for the Lord’s encouragement and provision for all (churches, families and individuals) who partner with us.

Thank you for joining in this prayer time, particularly on June 1. We are excited for the possibilities that lie ahead for our mission. With the psalmist I pray, “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.” And “may God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us—so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.” Amen.

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