A Christian Foundation for Underprivileged Youths, Widows and Orphans in Thailand Need your Support


Greetings in the name of our Lord!

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain ~ 1 Corinthians 15 verse 58 (ESV).

It was a vision that God gave to me a couple of years ago to start a Foundation because we can see the needs everywhere, but we weren’t ready yet then. In late 2018, my wife, Jenny said: “It is time for us to activate the Foundation and let God prepare His Way for us.

Support education of underprivileged youths.
Support education of underprivileged youths.

Then we visited a pastor from Ayutthuya and discussed with him about our long held plan to start the Foundation. He told us that some time ago, someone had invited him to join a Foundation, but he wasn’t ready yet. But now he is ready to be on Board. Praise God for His timing!

In order to start a Foundation, we need to satisfy the Ministry of Interior of the Thai government that we have THB 200,000 (USD 6,400/MYR 26,000) to run the Foundation. Amazingly, a generous donor, an American has donated THB 150,000 (USD 4,850/MYR 20,300) and another two Malaysians have also donated THB 43,500 (USD 1,430/MYR 6,000) last February 2019. Praise the Lord for His answers!

To register the Foundation, we face many obstacles and it is not easy. But with God, we believe everything is possible. It will take between 6 months to 3 years. Then, much to our surprise one day, a local pastor asked : “Do you want to take over my existing Foundation as it is free from encumbrances?” I said: “YES!” Praise God again for this brother’s offer.

To foster Education centres, schools and Protestant Christian Institutions.
To foster Education centres, schools and Protestant Christian Institutions.

To complete the takeover, we need to change the committee setup, the foundation name, logo, address, objectives, vision and to complete all these before July 2019.

Our main objectives for the foundation are as follows;

  1. To help and support education for youths in underprivileged areas who are poor;
  2. To help and support orphans, widows, senior aged and needy people;
  3. To strengthen the life of Christians and to spread the love of Jesus Christ.
  4. To foster Education centres, schools and Protestant Christian Institutions.

I am still negotiating with accredited universities from US to provide course materials to train local rural Christian leaders so that they can earn a recognised paper qualification to equip the leaders to serve our Almighty God and His people.

We hope to see our aims and plans are carried out and we need your prayer support, as follows;

  1. Pray for a suitable site to set up our Foundation for our office and activities.
  2. Pray for financial provisions to support our ministry work.
  3. Pray for more brethren, volunteers and workers to serve in all our planned activities.

To God be the glory. Thank you and God bless!

You can connect with Seedlings of Hope Foundation via Facebook, InstagramInstagram and Twitter Twitter
For contribution information, please contact Rev. Steve Peter H S Kok via email at faithwithyou@gmail.com.


  • Rev. Steve Peter H S Kok

    Rev. Steve Peter H S Kok is the Chairman & Executive Director of Seedlings of Hope Foundation. Seedlings of Hope Foundation (SOH) is a non-profit organization in Thailand, which have great interest in making an effort for promoting education development, humanitarian, training the Christian leaders, supporting the widow and orphan for a brighter future.

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