Science, Technology — July 3, 2019 at 11:59 am

Emerging Technologies that Will Change the World


Emerging Technologies that Will Change the World

There are many technologies that will emerge in the coming decades that will profoundly influence our daily lives. Among all its technologies, there are 6 technologies that I would like to mention, because I think that these technologies have a great potential in the future, that are developing rapidly, and that will probably influence our world in the coming decades.

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Self-Driving Cars
  3. Blockchain
  4. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
  5. 3D Printer

Big Data

Big Data refers to a very large set of data or a massive volume of data. Every day we produce a lot of data, such as emails, social media posts, online articles and videos, GPS signals and more. This dataset is thus Big Data.

We usually use NoSQL databases that are more efficient than traditional SQL databases (key/value, column, row, table) to process Big Data.
We usually use NoSQL databases that are more efficient than traditional SQL databases (key/value, column, row, table) to process Big Data.


  1. Velocity
  2. Variety
  3. Veracity
  4. Value
  • 270000 tweets
  • 30 billion instant messages
  • 200 million emails
  • Facebook with instagram and WhatsApp
Uber is an American company that develops mobile applications to connect users.
Uber is an American company that develops mobile applications to connect users.

Uber is an American company that develops mobile applications to connect users and drivers to carry out transportation services. Uber collects a massive amount of data from their mobile application used by their drivers and customers, but it does not just collect its data, it collects mostly relevant data that allows it to connect customers (consumers ) and drivers (service providers). Identifying the customer’s need (having a car) and the geographic location of the customer’s need (looking for the customer there) are the two data that allowed Uber to make the taxis obsolete.

Netflix is an American company that offers a platform for movies and TV series streaming on the internet.
Netflix is an American company that offers a platform for movies and TV series streaming on the internet.


The history of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is quite short and shows that this field has progressed a lot in sixty years. Indeed, we went from the first computer that could do some calculations to very sophisticated machines. The first machine to show its AI capabilities was Deep Blue, an IBM supercomputer that beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Then there was Watson’s AI developed by IBM, which won a game show “Jeopardy!” by answering questions in natural language. And finally, AlphaGo, the AI of Google DeepMind, who beat the world champion of the game of Go, Lee Sedol knowing that the game of Go is a game much more complex than that of chess.

Set of theories and techniques used to implement computer programs with high-level processes such as perceptual learning, memory organization, and critical reasoning.
Set of theories and techniques used to implement computer programs with high-level processes such as perceptual learning, memory organization, and critical reasoning.

Advances in algorithmics, increased computing power, and data science have helped to progress AI in recent years. That’s why we hear a lot about AI lately. AI could be defined as the set of theories and techniques used to implement computer programs with high-level processes such as perceptual learning, memory organization, and critical reasoning. In fact, we can divide the AI into two parts, the strong AI part and the weak AI part.

  • Prevention against attacks related to cybersecurity


Electrification, autonomous driving and connectivity are the three factors that will shape the future of the car, that is to say the autonomous and connected electric car.

Self-Driving Cars.
Self-Driving Cars.
Partial Automation: The on-board computer can take control of speed and direction.
Partial Automation: The on-board computer can take control of speed and direction.

The on-board computer can take control of speed and direction. The driver supervises the operations, but must always remain attentive, monitor the vehicle environment, and regain full control of the vehicle in case of failure as the driver’s responsibility is fully engaged.


The blockchain is a technology for storing and transmitting information, transparent, secure, decentralized, and operating without a central organ. In short, it is a kind of digital data management protocol, a large secure and transparent database. The blockchain can be seen as a kind of account book or register that contains a list of all exchanges made between users.

Blockchain: Storing and transmitting information, transparent, secure, decentralized, and operating without a central organ.
Blockchain: Storing and transmitting information, transparent, secure, decentralized, and operating without a central organ.

As this register is decentralized, it is stored on the servers of its users. This register is updated in real time and is tamper-proof because it relies on a cryptographic system of validation by users for each transaction. These sets of transactions (the rows of the register) are written in the book after validation, by blocks of data and thus form a string of unalterable blocks: the blockchain.

  • Register: better traceability of products and assets.
  • Smart contracts: autonomous programs that automatically execute the terms and conditions of a contract, without requiring human intervention once started.
  • Automatic compensation in the event of late or canceled flights: for example, travel insurance schemes may use the principle of smart contracts which are based on autonomous programs which automatically launch the conditions of the contract, without the person must fill in any form.
  • A money transfer platform: the advantages of using the blockchain in this type of platform are the speed of transfers (a few minutes against several days for some transfers abroad) and the low cost of these transfers (a few cents for each transaction) through cryptocurrencies that are convertible into traditional currencies.


Progress in virtual reality and augmented reality has democratized their use with the release of many virtual reality headsets. To avoid any confusion between these two technologies, I will recall what virtual reality and augmented reality are.

Oculus: Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset - 64GB - Black.
Oculus: Quest All-in-one VR Gaming Headset – 64GB – Black.
  • Sony’s Project Morpheus for PS4
  • The Vive of HTC & Valve for PC
  • Samsung’s Gear VR for mobile
  • The Google Cardboard for mobile


In recent years, 3D printing has become possible thanks to 3D printers. 3D printers follow the same principle as 2D printers, but instead of printing ink on sheets of paper, the 3D printer prints objects by superimposing thin layers of materials such as plastic, clay, resin and others. From a 3D software or a 3D scanner, it is possible to model objects and then print them with the 3D printer. The printing possibilities are immense with the 3D printer, it is practically possible to print all possible forms. The only constraints are the size of the printer and the imagination of the user.

The 3D printer can be used in many fields of applications.
The 3D printer can be used in many fields of applications.

The 3D printer can be used in many fields of applications such as industry, robotics, jewelery, medicine, food, fashion, armament, DIY, architecture, design, health, aeronautics and marketing. There are even 3D nano printers, such as Nanoscribe, which prints on a scale of a few microns. Based on a CAD model of a spacecraft, the 3D nano printer, Nanoscribe, prints using lasers and rotating mirrors to direct the beams in order to create a multi-layer structure by polymerization.

Divergent 3D Chassis Assembly Video

I think that 3D printing is a technological revolution because it revolutionizes the industrial production mode and invents new products that will build the world of tomorrow.



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