Entertainment, Latest News — September 17, 2019 at 3:31 pm

Meet Babs Cardini A 19 Year Old Nigerian Magician


19 year old Babs Cardini is a Nigerian magician who wows people on the street of Lagos with his bags of tricks. The teenagersaid he hopes to be one of the best in the world at what he does.

Meet Babs Cardini A 19 year old Nigerian Magician

Babs Cardini, 19, is a young Nigerian magician who turns objects into money on the streets of Lagos, BBC News. In an interview with BBC, he said: “Whenever I am performing, people ask me, am I using jazz, am I using voodoo? Am I using any sort of tricks or sleight of hand? I have loved magic since I was five but I officially started magic when I was 16 years old.” Cardini also said that anywhere he gets to, people are always wowed with his bag of tricks. He even added that people contact him just for the sake of knowing him more.

“Me and Magic, we are like 5 and 6. It’s kind of self-taught and gifted at the same time and more practice.” One of the few places he said he gets inspiration from are magic shows on TV. “I go on Youtube to look at people who are great at magic, who are better in magic and see what they do. Not like I watch tutorials because if you are watching tutorials on Youtube, you don’t get too go far.”

Babs said one of his challenges performing for Nigerians is that they always want everything turned into money. “And Nigerian mentality, when they see you as a magician, they get wowed and still ask me, can you turn this into money? Most of the request is always about money,” according to Babs.

The young magician promised to work hard and hopes to be one of the greatest magicians in the world.


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