Judaism — September 19, 2019 at 11:40 am

Gematria For Beginners: The Art and Science Behind Jewish Numerology


Gematria For Beginners: The Art and Science Behind Jewish Numerology (YouTube).

We all know — and science is making it increasingly clear — that what you see is not what you get: There are multiple dimensions to life and all of existence; layers upon layers with no definitive end in sight. How far down does the rabbit hole go? Can we strip the outer layers and peer beneath the surface?

Gematriaor numerology — is one of the tools we’ve been gifted with to help us examine and dissect the inner workings of existence. The numerical equivalent of any given word or name reveals its deeper meaning. No wonder so many are intrigued by the study of gematria. What is the numerology of my name, and what secrets does it hold about me?

Please join Rabbi Jacobson for a journey down the “rabbit hole” and discover the elegant art and science of gematria. Learn the rules of how it works, what it means, explore the mysterious “numbers of your name”, and your inner workings… Join the journey and see how your gematria can enhance your life, your relationships, and your destiny.

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