Ministry, Prayer — March 30, 2020 at 12:27 am

Praise and Prayer, April 2020




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Brethren, pray for us (1 Thess. 5:25)

“When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me. May all the kings of the earth praise you, Lord, when they hear what you have decreed.” Psalm 138: 3&4 (NIV)


Note: First (1st) Monday of every month is observed nationally and internationally as ems prayer and fasting day. Therefore, all ems arms, missionaries, office staff, prayer partners and supporters should please endeavor to join the ems international head office in prayers. We join faith and trust god in one accord with brethren around the world for;

  • A steady and fruitful growth of the work of missions,
  • Peace and the salvation of nations and
  • For revival and spiritual growth of the church

Our cooperate prayer time at the head office is 8-9am, 12-1pm, and 3-4 pm respectively. You can join us in prayers wherever you may be at those times or make out time of your own convenience as you are led by god. Please, just be sure to pray and fast.

WEDNESDAY 1ST Praise the Lord for one more additional supporter for the Far North Region, Mr. & Mrs. Ibrahim Yahaya Malumfashi. Pray that God will bless them abundantly so that their support for the work of missions will be sustained. 

THURSDAY 2ND Praise God for the 4 new converts the Lord added to ECWA Old Yundum in the Gambia, and another 4 in Touba Senegal. Also, we are blessed with a harvest of souls in Ghana, Mrs. Hassana Musa and her daughter Ms Sadiya Musa accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal saviour. Pray that they will all stand firm in the faith and live to do exploits for the kingdom of God. 

FRIDAY 3RD Thank God for giving Pastor Pallyon’top Johnjames grace as he gradually adjusts to life and ministry in in the Gambia as a Cross Borders missionary. Praise God for the favour granted to him to engage unbelieving children in English, Computer and Guitar lessons in ECWA Church Brikama 

SATURDAY 4TH Thank God for a successful verdict in the court ruling on the presidential election in Malawi, which was peaceful despite the fact that many anticipated violence. 

  • Thank God for helping the Mammans survive the harsh weather in Malawi, it’s really becoming serious especially with the rain and the cold. 

SUNDAY 5TH Appreciate the Lord for using the Chairman of Damakasuwa DCC to raise the sum of N60, 000 during the women Fellowship Conference of the DCC that will be used to pay widows’ allowances for six months. Ask the Lord to replenish the sources from which the support came from.

MONDAY 6TH Thank God for a new station (Neni Gungu) identified by the Gados in Niger Republic, they are presently enjoying a cordial relationship with the community. They now have a strong football team. Praise the Lord! 

TUESDAY 7TH MID-EAST REGION Appreciate God for raising two new additional supporters from Nasarawa and Lafia DCCs. Praise God for the success of the mission awareness in the Mid-East Region. Pray that from what has been share the hearts of many will be touched to join hands with EMS in fulfilling the Great Commission. 


Lord you are the God who saves me; day and night I cry out to you. May my prayers come before you; turn your ear to my cry Psalm 88:1-2(NIV) 

WEDNESDAY 8TH CORONA VIRUS GLOBAL PANDEMIC Pray that the global pandemic of Corona virus disease 2019 also known as COVID-19 will be brought to an end in the mighty name of Jesus. Ask the lord to halt the spread of the virus to countries and areas that have not yet been affected. 

THURSDAY 9TH EMS MANAGEMENT Pray for the entire management of EMS that God will continually fill them with his Spirit and lead them to do his will for the glory and honour of his name. 

FRIDAY 10TH EMS STAFF Ask the lord to give the staff of EMS of ECWA more grace, wisdom, provision for their individual needs and good health as they serve in his vineyard in various capacities. 

SATURDAY 11TH FAR NORTH REGION Praise God for the successful mission awareness in Katsina South DCC. Pray that God will continue to stir the hearts of people for missions and missions support. 

  • Pray for the new converts that have been won for God that they will stand firm and remain strong in their resolve to follow Christ. 

SUNDAY 12TH SOUTH NORTH WEST Thank God for the successful visitation by the EMS committee to the DCCs within the Region, pray that it will yield positives outcomes for the progress of the work of missions. Pray for the success of the upcoming mission conference in the Region that the power of God will be demonstrated mightily during the conference. 

MONDAY 13TH SOUTH NORTH EAST Appreciate God for the effort of Women Fellowship Taraba DCC who bought a grinding machine for Falin Makeri and Gidan Yerima EMS stations respectively. 

  • Pray for our supporters in this Region that are yet to complete their pledges that God will open door for them to do so and also provide their needs according to his riches in glory. 


“And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that your bond-servants may speak your word with all confidence, Acts 4:29 

TUESDAY 14TH CENTRAL REGION Thank God for a new additional supporter from Lokoja DCC Chief J.O Owoeye. Ask the Lord to bless him and open more doors for him and all the other supporters of mission work in the region. 

  • Pray for Pastor Musa B. Kaka our missionary in Minna DCC who has undergone medical surgery for the fourth time and is convalescing ask the Lord to grant him complete healing.  

WEDNESDAY 15TH EMS CHILDREN/FIELD MISSION SCHOOLS Pray for the school in Jos which is in dire need of a maintenance officer for the smooth running of its activities. Likewise the field schools in Maje, Mangoro, Boko, Donkin Hill and Wana are all in need of more staff. Pray that God will raise the support that is needed to recruit more staff so that the schools will function at full capacity. 

THURSDAY 16TH MID CENTRAL REGION Pray that God will open more doors for funds needed to complete the various projects especially the Regional Coordinator’s house. Pray for a unity of purpose among the leaders of the region at all levels so that the work of spreading the gospel will go on unfettered. 

  • Pray for healing for our staff, donors and supporters in this region who are suffering from one illness or the other. 

FRIDAY 17TH FAR NORTH WEST Appreciate God for protecting our missionaries in Sokoto DCC where there have been increasing attacks on communities by Fulani herdsmen. 

  • Pray that the 5 field schools in the Region namely; Rafin Kala, Maje, Kurmin Kada, Atuwo and Kimo will experience growth and be impactful conduits through which many will be saved. 

SATURDAY 18TH EMS RETREAT CENTER RHIZHA Pray for God’s protection on the Lees who are in currently in South Korea, one of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  • Pray for the entire security of Rhizha land and its people. Ask the Lord to give peace and understanding to the various communities in the area. 

SUNDAY 19TH SOUTH EAST REGION Thank God for the safe arrival of the two missionaries that were transferred to the Region recently pastors Benjamin Shawulu and Hosea Abamu. Pray that their transfer to the Region will bear fruits for the kingdom of God. 

  • Pray for Baba Sakatare, Alhaji Musa Bello and Tasiu that as they attend our literacy classes, they will find salvation in Christ. 

MONDAY 20TH NORTH EAST REGION Praise the Lord for raising a new additional supporter from Borno DCC. Ask the Lord to grant healing to Pastor Phinehas Yila in Yobe DCC and the wife of Waja DCC coordinator Rev. Dauda Bukar who are suffering from illnesses. 


In that day people will look to their maker and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel Isaiah 17:7(NIV) 

TUESDAY 21ST CROSS BORDERS CRITICAL NEED We are still trusting God for the sum of N854M that is urgently needed for various critical Cross Borders Projects. Let’s not relent in praying that God will open doors to raise the funds that will meet these needs.

WEDNESDAY 22ND ZAMBIA Pray for Zambia, currently some criminal elements are going round homes and schools gassing people up with dangerous chemicals. This acts are widespread across the country, pray for God’s intervention so that this criminal activities will come to an end. 

  • Pray for the forthcoming official inauguration of ECWA Zambia as preparations are ongoing, that God will make provision for all that is needed for the occasion to be a success to the glory and honour of his name. 

THURSDAY 23RD GHANA Pray for Mr. Isa from the Northern part of Ghana who is searching for clarity about Jesus, that God will reveal himself to him and illuminate all the dark areas of his misunderstanding. Pray for Mr. Mensah John who heard the word of God and decided to rededicate himself for the service of the Lord. Pray that he will be filled with the Holy Spirit and that his resolve will be strengthened. 

FRIDAY 24TH GHANA Pray for the growth of the Seed (the word of God) sown in many lives of Muslim youths who have been reached out to in their dialects (Dagbani Language) as most of them do not understand English or Hausa. Ask the Lord to ignite in their hearts a desire to know more about Christ and ultimately, surrender their lives to him. 

SATURDAY 25TH GAMBIA Pray that the 8 new coverts in the Gambia will grow in their faith and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, that their decision will serve as a green light for others to follow suit. Pray that as baptismal classes begin in the Gambia those attending will come to fully understand God’s love and grace to them. 

SUNDAY 26TH NIGER REPUBLIC Pray for peace in Niger Republic, there have been series of attacks in Tillaberi, where two EMS stations are located (Torodi and Fanoma). Ask the Lord to protect our missionaries in these areas and for peace and calm to return. 

MONDAY 27TH BURKINA FASO Pray that the missionaries in the Burkina Faso field will be focused and productive in ministry. 

  • Pray for the two Burkinabe nationals that are willing and ready to be employed as EMS missionaries in the country that God will guide the leadership of EMS as they make decision with regards to this. 

TUESDAY 28TH MALAWI EMS of ECWA Malawi field is trusting God for a bus which will cost 10,000,000 million kwacha, which is equivalent to N5, 000,000 million and whiteboards that will cost 160,000 kwacha, which is equivalent to N80, 000, needed to teach children and literacy classes to adults. Pray that God will provide funds for these needs to be met. 

WEDNESDAY 29TH Pray that God will protect all our Cross Borders missionaries from all harm and evil and especially from the COVID-19 pandemic that is ravaging the world at this moment. Ask the Lord to give them peace of mind in this time of uncertainty. 

THURSDAY 30TH ZAMBIA Pray that visas will be granted to those who are preparing to travel to Zambia for the inauguration of ECWA in the country. The government there had an issue with a so-called seer of Nigerian origin currently living in South Africa but previously lived in the Zambia who made some terrible prophesies about the country (Zambia). 

Thank You For Joining Us In Prayer Through The Fourth Month Of The Year 2020. May The Lord Renew Your Strength And Also Increase Upon You Grace As You Continue With Us In This Partnership. Shalom!!!


  • Rev. Simon Yako

    Rev. Simon Yako is the EMS of ECWA Director. Rev. and Mrs. Simon Yako were the first couple to be sent to Togo, both graduates of Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS). They both started work with EMS of ECWA as volunteer workers in 1985, and were formally engaged as EMS Missionaries three years later on July 6th 1988. On their initial engagement, they were sent to a home Mission in Ibil, Cross Rivers State in Nigeria.

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