There, by the Ahava Canal, I proclaimed a fast, so that we might humble ourselves before our God and ask him for a safe journey for us and our children, with all our possessions. Ezra 8:21

Many of us boast about the power of our God and rightly so. We say that He can move mountains, heal, deliver, uproot ungodly leaders in nations, stop COVID-19, etc. Ezra boasted about God also. When he was about to lead Israelite returnees from Babylon to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, King Artaxerxes offered him a contingent of soldiers to protect them since they were carrying a lot of money and valuable items for the Temple.
Ezra boasted that God is able to protect them and so he turned down the king’s offer. When the day came to start the trip, reality dawn on Ezra. He will need protection, but he was ashamed to go back to the king. That will be a bad witness about God (Ez. 8:22).
If we will be honest, we face similar challenges every day. Ezra did the right thing. He proclaimed a fast and prayer time and the God he boasted about came through for them.
We must learn from Ezra to always turn to the God we boast about. He is eager to proof Himself faithful when we seek His face in prayer and fasting. It is easier to criticize, stage protest marches, and do a thousand things except to wait on the Lord and seek His face in prayer and fasting.
Lord, drive us to our knees all the time so that your glory might be seen in us. Amen!
I Will Boast In Christ – Hillsong Worship (Hillsong Music Publishing/YouTube)
“I Will Boast In Christ” is from the album ‘Let There Be Light’ recorded live at Hillsong Conference in Sydney, Australia. Available now at…
I Will Boast In Christ
Words and Music by Scott Ligertwood & Reuben Morgan
© 2016 Hillsong Music Publishing
CCLI: 7068427