Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun. My mother’s sons were angry with me and made me take care of the vineyards; my own vineyard I had to neglect. Song of Songs 1:6.

Have you ever been taken advantage of, manipulated, used, and abandoned? Then, you can understand our verse for today. Pressure to conform to national, corporate, or organizational ideals over individual preferences is a daily experience for everyone. When a church emphasizes and demands participation in all church programs to the point that individuals do not have time or energy left to have regular times alone with God, this becomes a great disservice to the individual and even to the body of Christ. Saints must be taught the value of personal time with the Lord to develop deep personal convictions on issues of faith and not be misled by leaders who are pursuing other agendas. The Church is strongest when individuals spend time with God and come together corporately.
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is a missionary to America serving with SIM/ECWA. He is an Economist by profession and has worked as a Statistician with Kaduna State Government. He later pioneered and managed the Challenge Press of ECWA in Jos before God’s call to pioneer the Prayer Ministry of ECWA in Jos, Nigeria. In 1993, God called him to Chicago as a missionary and has been serving there since 1995 to date. Currently, he pastors ECWA Chicago which he planted and serves as the Chairman of the ECWA USA District Church Council. Loves being a grandpa of 8 grandchildren and enjoys writing.
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Author: Rev. Sunday Bwanhot
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is a missionary to America serving with SIM/ECWA. He is an Economist by profession and has worked as a Statistician with Kaduna State Government. He later pioneered and managed the Challenge Press of ECWA in Jos before God’s call to pioneer the Prayer Ministry of ECWA in Jos, Nigeria. In 1993, God called him to Chicago as a missionary and has been serving there since 1995 to date. Currently, he pastors ECWA Chicago which he planted and serves as the Chairman of the ECWA USA District Church Council. Loves being a grandpa of 8 grandchildren and enjoys writing.