Prayer — March 28, 2018 at 2:56 pm

We Must Demolish Division in Our Nation With These 4 Prayer Principles


Our greatest hope lies only in Jesus Christ, His gospel and the advancement of this Good News message reaching every corner of America and across this world (image: Pixabay).

Division abounds in almost every segment of America. Sadly, it exists even between Christians and in most churches. For too long, disunity has triumphed in our nation. It is time for this to come to an end.

Our greatest hope lies only in Jesus Christ, His gospel and the advancement of this Good News message reaching every corner of America and across this world.

While we call out to God for His church to be revived by the Spirit and come together in unity and simultaneously pray extraordinarily for the next great spiritual awakening in America, I want to ask you to consider these four actions for all Christians right now.

1. Rest in the Lord

Resting in the Lord is not lying down; it is trusting in the Lord. Jesus is still Lord, and God is still on the throne. One day, every leader in our nation, from the most unrecognized part of American society to the members of the highest court of our land, will stand in front of the highest court of eternity, God Himself, and give an account to Him. They will not be alone. Each of us will give an account of our lives to God.

A call to action is important, but at times we also need to pause. We need to get before God. Rest in Him. Our God has all things under control.

2. Come Together in Unity

Followers of Christ need each other more than ever before. While certain secondary doctrinal differences will exist, we need to unite around the beliefs that:

  • The Bible is God’s infallible Word; it is truth without any mixture of error.
  • Jesus is the Son of God and the hope of the world; therefore, salvation is faith alone in Christ alone.
  • We must focus our lives, churches and futures on taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in America and across the world.

We need to stop fighting over secondary issues and rise up together to become the spiritual light in this darkening America and world.

3. Prepare for the Future

What will the church become in the future of America? Will we lose our freedom or have it affirmed?

We need to prepare for the future realistically, but also with great hope. Regardless of the present cultural tide that is rising in direct opposition to the ways of God, we are a gospel people committed to Christ alone.

Our future is not in the hands of the United States government; our future is in the hands of our sovereign God.

We need to prepare future generations spiritually and vocationally for what God wants them to be and how He wants them to live for Him.

4. Pray Like Never Before for the Next Great Spiritual Awakening

Minute by minute, day by day, a stronger conviction is growing that America must have the next great spiritual awakening in our generation. Without a mighty revival in the church and an awakening in the land that will result in millions coming to Christ, we are facing days that will become darker and more difficult.

Yet, I am abounding with greater hope than ever before. I believe God wants greatly to awaken the sleeping giant called the church!

The alarm clock is going off in our nation and this is not the time to push the snooze button. I do not believe the church will sleep through this season in America.

We need a mighty, nationwide movement of prayer to take place now. Prayer precedes every great movement of God biblically and historically.

Rise together now, stand upon God’s Word unashamedly, forward the message of the gospel exponentially and pray relentlessly every day for the next great spiritual awakening in America.

I choose to believe God.

Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the senior pastor of Cross Church, president of the National Day of Prayer and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.


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