ECWA, Saints, Sin, Spiritual Digest — September 2, 2024 at 10:24 pm

Who Does God Love More: Sinner or Saint?


We know that God created all people, and He loves us so much that while we were sinners, He gave His Son to die for us. God is portrayed in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15) as a father who loves the compliant son and the prodigal son equally. However, we see the father preoccupied with longing for the return of his now wretched prodigal son to the point that the ‘good’ son feels unloved. This fact is affirmed in the lost sheep and lost coin parables. In family settings, the sick child or anyone with special needs got the attention of the parents more than the others. Yes, God loves the sinner and the saint equally. God cannot love less or more. He loves perfectly. Besides, God is not like earthly parents who need to share their time with the individual children they have. God can be with each of us 24/7, whether we are believers or not. Aren’t you glad you do not have to compete with anyone to get God’s attention? Can we emulate our heavenly Father and reach out in love to saints and sinners alike?



  • Rev. Sunday Bwanhot

    Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is a missionary to America serving with SIM/ECWA. He is an Economist by profession and has worked as a Statistician with Kaduna State Government. He later pioneered and managed the Challenge Press of ECWA in Jos before God’s call to pioneer the Prayer Ministry of ECWA in Jos, Nigeria. In 1993, God called him to Chicago as a missionary and has been serving there since 1995 to date. Currently, he pastors ECWA Chicago which he planted and serves as the Chairman of the ECWA USA District Church Council. Loves being a grandpa of 8 grandchildren and enjoys writing.

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