Author: Doxa

10 Powerful Foods That Naturally Detoxify the Body

by Don Colbert, M.D. | Detoxify can provide a boost toward increased wellness and improved body
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5 Reasons Why Many Christians Are Broke

by Kyle T. Miller | Many Christians who are lazy, disobedient and unforgiving are broke. (Flickr) The
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Walking in the Favor of God

by Ben Woodward | "For only we who believe can enter his rest" (Heb. 4:3). I know. It might seem a little bold of me to declare that I
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Government Admits Cellphones Can Cause Cancer

by Sylvia Booth Hubbard/Newsmax Health | Several previous studies
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AMC’s ‘Preacher’ Is Violent, Vulgar – and Surprisingly Churchy. Is it Redeemable?

Reviewed by Adam Marshall –  Facebook  –  Season 1, Episode 1
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The Goodness of God

by Arthur W. Pink (1886 – 1952) – The goodness of God is seen in the variety of natural pleasures which He has provided for His creatures.
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People Who Could Hurt Your Church

by J. Lee Grady – In all my years of ministry I've noticed that the devil's tricks are actually the same no
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How Green Supremefood Changed This Doctor’s Life

by Don Colbert, M.D; The sores I suffered from began to disappear. I was totally full of energy and vitality.
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When God’s Plan Seems Crazy

by Shae Bynes, I want to remind you today that you are not alone. You never were and you never will
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Praise & Prayer, June 2016

EMS OF ECWA PRAISE & PRAYER, JUNE 2016 Prayer/Counseling hotline: 08033673654, 08051614880
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