Author: Doxa

6 strategies for preventing disease

6 Strategies for Preventing Disease

National Institutes of Health (NIH | Taking steps to protect your health is the best way to prevent disease

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What is sexual immorality?

What is Sexual Immorality?

by | 1 Corinthians 6:18 says, “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but

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Urgent Prayer Concern

Urgent Prayer Concern

by Rev. Yunusa S. Nmadu Jnr | ECWA General Secretary | “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things

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SIM Celebrating 125 Years!

Praying on for His Grace and Mercy!

by Joshua and Joanna Bogunjoko | “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but

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The Brewing of a Toxic Culture

The Brewing of a Toxic Culture

by Joseph Mattera | There is constant bickering and or resistance which then hurts the execution of

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I Know Who I Am': We are a chosen generation

I Know Who I Am’: We are a chosen generation

I Know Who I Am’: We are a chosen generation at the ECWA USA 2018 International Conference

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Sowers of the Current Chaos

Sowers of the Current Chaos

by Paul Kengor | Charles Murr: He says that Cardinal Gagnon explained to him hundreds of times

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Praise & Prayer, September 2018

EMS OF ECWA PRAISE & PRAYER, SEPTEMBER 2018 Prayer/Counseling hotline:

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How 5G will Enable the Future

How 5G will Enable the Future

From the IEEE 5G World Forum this July in Santa Clara California, one may expect 5G to be like a cloud of

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How Christians Can Adapt to Technological Change

How Christians Can Adapt to Technological Change

by Glenn Brooke | Technology advances and political systems can shape, but not fully repair, a sin-

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