Category: Christian Life

Making your Marriage Last

This is one of the main reasons that couples divorce. (Alan Lambert – Getty Images) I have been married 20 years but I still find that successful communication is the No. 1 challenge in my relationship. And I know I am not alone. Communication issues are the top reason most marriages fail. Thankfully, I have learned one thing over the […]

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How to Be a Christian in a Public School

Being a Christian in a public school can be quite a task. (Flickr) No matter if you are a student in high school or a junior in college, the pressure of being a Christian in a public school setting seems to be talked about pretty often. The reality is, you don't need to worry. There will be trials, but God […]

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Who Wouldn’t Want to Live Here?

Peace: a wonderful place to live, isn't it?

The gift of peace, and the choice to remain in that place of peace, provides comfort and valuable resources almost too precious to express.

Who wouldn't want to live in a place of peace? It's almost like saying, "Who wouldn't want to visit Hawaii?"

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When You Don’t Win

Like in life. It's not realistic to expect to get what you want all the time (Reuters) Ahhhhh, cake walks. The anticipation of maybe, just maybe, hearing your number called and getting to choose the cake of your dreams. I actually remember one particular cake walk from sometime when I was in elementary school. I won! I walked over to […]

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Men & Pastors: Attend Lions Roar 2015 (Nov 4-6 2015) Dallas TX

You can either preach sermons to them, or disciple strong, committed men who will stand squarely behind you. Men will sit in the back or have your back! Your choice.   JOIN the private PASTORS ROUNDTABLE: full-access, personal dialogue with global leaders on core issues facing pastors today. The pulpit is the place for courage. 2 Sam 10: "Let us […]

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5 ways to exercise no matter how busy you are

An Aussie model for the past seven years, in 2013 Hannah started sharing her fitness routine, diet and health tips on Instagram to much success. She launches her workout app this year ( Keeping fit when you’ve got a jam-packed schedule IS possible, writes Hannah Saul We’ve all gone through times when life starts getting in the way of our […]

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Managing the Dark Side of Me

Dr. Arnie Cole/For Man in the Mirror | Are you fighting the good fight of faith and pursuing righteousness daily? (Lightstock) "But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of […]

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Are You Willing to Die for Your Faith Like This Arab Believer?

Steven Khoury (Sean Roberts)                       For far too long, we in the American church have taken our freedom to worship God for granted. As believers, we can walk into a church and sing praises to Jesus without apprehension of verbal or physical confrontation. With few recent and rare exceptions, we […]

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3 Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong Children

My baby girl got married recently. As I lay awake many nights prior to the ceremony contemplating my role as the father of the bride and beyond, I also did a lot of reflecting. God is the only one capable of being the perfect father. Much of my time, life and ministry, is spent helping equip churches to help parents—biological […]

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Pentecostal Pastor’s Daughter Survives Oregon Shooting Thanks to Another’s Selfless Act

by Jessilyn Justice (image: wdtv) The pastor says his daughter was frozen to the floor, covered by the body and blood of one of her classmates.   And as his daughter Lacey lay underneath Treven Anspach, her father says she only knew one thing: Pray.   Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer then "walked over my daughter and shot the next one," Pastor Randy Scroggins […]

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