Category: ECWA Health

Relationship of Weight loss and Type 2 Diabetes

Weight loss can help cure diabetes. (iStock photo) Weight loss effectively cures Type 2 diabetes, according to new research by scientists at Newcastle University.
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Warning: Drinking the Wrong Kind of Water Can Drain Your Energy

Are you drinking the right kind of water? (iStock photo) Lots of people walk around all day with their trusty
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Why All Churches Should Address Depression & Anxiety

Awareness must be created among Church members to deal with depression and anxiety (The Express Tribune with the International New York Times) by
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Preventable Disease: Obesity

Obesity – Upgrade Your Health With Sharmita Rideau (Gina Cook) The world tells us the need to lose weight, but only God's Word can give us the power to lose weight!   With all the information floating throughout social media, TV and the Internet about the dangers of being overweight, why is it so hard to lose weight?  No one […]

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Doctors: Just Ditch the Soda

Doctors: Just Ditch the Soda
Just over a can of a soft drink a day could be enough to increase your risk of heart failure by 23 percent.
Soft drinks have been linked to other diseases, like obesity, diabetes, and more, but researchers say it’s the first time a connection has been found between these drinks and heart failure.

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Study: Eating This Fruit May Decrease Colon Cancer Risk

Dried plums may drastically reduce risk of colon cancer.   Specific research findings were recently provided to guests at the Experimental Biology Conference (Boston, 2015). The study results provide evidence of reduced risk of these cancers by the addition of dried plums within the nutritional regime.   This supplementation increases the promotion of good bacteria within the colon. According to […]

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