Other News

Covid Has Made All of Us Lepers

I rounded the corner at the grocery store not long ago and came across a woman who froze stock still. Her whole body became rigid, as if she had seen a fearful specter ready to drag her down to hell. She plastered herself along the opposite side of the aisle and stepped ever so gingerly side by side past me, […]

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Democrats tested in first party convention of pandemic era

by Steve Peoples and Bill Barrow on Associated Press The Democratic National Convention, which formally begins Monday, is not a convention in the traditional sense Joe Biden is poised to unveil his vision for the modern Democratic Party in the first presidential nominating convention of the coronavirus era, an all-virtual affair that will test the former vice president’s ability to […]

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COVID-19 Can Stay With Us Forever

There will be a vaccine, there will be different cures, but it will not be completely eradicated – a model of HIV / AIDS or tuberculosis, the coronavirus epidemic makes this possibility easy to imagine, says a professor of medical history at Yale University in the United States. Naomi Rogers from Connecticut spoke to the Hungarian Nation by phone. After […]

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Nigerian bishops: ‘The killings must stop’

Nigerian bishops have appealed to the government to stop the killings in southern Kaduna state. An Aug. 8 statement signed by Archbishop Augustine Akubeze, conference president, said the bishops “continue to hear of increasing insecurity and unabated acts of terrorism in northern Nigeria. We are all tired of this situation.” The bishops warned that no politician should politicize the killing […]

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Seeking God’s Face or His Favors?

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chron. 16:11 An infant looks to the mother to meet its needs. A student looks to the teacher to instruct him/her with right knowledge. A nation looks to its leader for good governance leading to peace, prosperity, etc. There is expectation and failure to deliver is not an […]

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Are religious people happier, healthier? Our new global study explores this question

Studies have often credited religion with making people healthier, happier and more engaged in their communities. But are religiously active people better off than those who are religiously inactive or those with no religious affiliation? The short answer is that there is some evidence that religious participation does make a difference in some – but not all – of these […]

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Sunday Worship Service August 9, 2020

  Farin Ciki Zuntan Yanmata ECWA Madaki Gombe (Gospel Unlimited Tv)   Church Beyond Walls | August 9, 2020 (ECWA Wuse II Media)   Children’s Church [Preschool] | August 9, 2020 (ECWA Wuse II Media)   Children’s Church [Graders] | August 9, 2020 (ECWA Wuse II Media)    

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US passes 5m Covid-19 cases amid anger over economic relief impasse

While many Republicans have said the weekly unemployment benefits during Covid-19 encourage people not to work, Gene Marks says some US small business owners actually support the $600 weekly benefit. About 30 million unemployed Americans are now on tenterhooks waiting to see if the $600-a-week federal unemployment benefit created by the Cares Act will be renewed. As the political row […]

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Coronavirus: Last-ditch talks on new aid package for US economy fail

Last-ditch negotiations at the US Congress to forge another stimulus package for the coronavirus-ravaged economy have collapsed in stalemate. Democrats and Republicans remain at odds over everything from unemployment benefits to financial aid for schools to cash injections for states’ coffers. The US unemployment rate stands at 10.2%, higher than any level during the 2008 financial crisis. Jobless benefits have […]

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How the Hawala system of transferring money may work in Africa

How the Hawala system of transferring money may work in Africa

Hawala is a process of transferring money from one country to the other without moving it physically. The money transfer process involves trust and balancing of broker’s books; thus is made without promissory notes or other documentation. It originated in the 8th century from South Asia as an alternative form of conducting money transfers through a network of hawala dealers. It […]

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