Tag: Blessed New Year

Destination Uncertain

Destination Uncertain

Your 2025 journey is on, but where is your destination? Some people take jolly rides with no destination in mind and are contented wherever their ride takes them. People are expected to have firm destinations in mind before stepping out. Depending on the destination, elaborate plans are made. Money is saved, travel documents and immunizations are updated, reservations are made, […]

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New Year, New Ways!

New Year, New Ways!

Congratulations! It pleased God to usher you into the year 2025. You do have grand plans and expectations for yourself this New Year. But wait! God is saying He has plans to prosper you and give you hope and a future. You will have a blissful year if your plans align perfectly with God’s plans. If not, jettisoning your plans […]

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How Then Should We Live?

As the year wraps up in a few hours, it is time to step back and reflect to be better prepared for the New Year. Do not seek to relive the past, whether pleasant or painful. Do not waste time and energy regretting or savoring the past. Take only the lessons learned from the past to live in the present […]

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Empty Pockets? You Can Still Celebrate The Holidays!

As the year closes out the flurry of activities to celebrate CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR accentuates to a high crescendo that deafens our reasoning and common-sense in several areas. One of such areas is the credit card bills we recklessly rake up during this season while throughout the year we have been careful about how we use them. We should […]

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