Tag: Connecting

Taking God for Granted

Then she called, Samson, the Philistines are upon you. He awoke from his sleep and thought, I’ll go out as before and shake myself free. But he did not know that the Lord had left him. Judges 16:20 One of the greatest tragedies that can happen to a professing Christian is to become over familiar with God. God is Holy […]

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Christian Unity

We are all different parts on one  body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12&27) and we ought to live together in harmony with each other regardless of who they are, which church they go to, and what they do. The night before his death, Jesus prayed that we who believe in him might all be one (John 17:21). We want to […]

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Danny Gokey - Haven't Seen It Yet

Haven’t Seen It Yet – Danny Gokey

Daniel Jay Gokey is an American singer and former church music director from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His debut

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All-Natural Ways to Cope with Grief & Loss

All-Natural Ways of Coping with Grief & Loss

by Stephanie James | It is very important to get plenty of rest while grieving, but don’t allow your body to

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7 Tips for Living Together Happily

7 Tips for Living Together Happily 

by Kat Kennedy | Treat each other to little simple things you know will be loved. Living together has shined

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With heart-felt gratitude for your support and a request for prayers for the next five years!

With heart-felt gratitude for your support and a request for prayers for the next five years!

by Joshua and Joanna Bogunjoko |

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