Tag: ecwa

How to Teach Your Kids to Be Thankful

You can instill an attitude of thankfulness in your children. (ECWA Archive)   As I'm writing this, it's a week before Thanksgiving, but I already have my turkey thawing in the refrigerator. My menu is simple: turkey, ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, pie. The recipes are ones I've been making for 20 years—nothing fancy here. Our table will be […]

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An Up Close Look at Church Attendance in America

by Rebecca Barnes and Lindy Lowry, writer for churchleaders.com (Kelly Shattuck) 1. Less than 20% of Americans regularly attend church — half of what the pollsters report. While Gallup polls and other statisticians have turned in the same percentage — about 40% of the population — of average weekend church attendees for the past 70 years, a different sort of […]

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Living the Christian Life

It's all About Following Jesus (ECWA Archive) What does the Bible say about how to live the Christian life? How to live the Christian life is a topic that is discussed in many Bible passages. One of the most notable discourses was between Jesus and Nicodemus. Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish council, went to Jesus during the night to […]

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Denzel Washington Schools Pentecostals on Gratitude

by Jim Gallagher / St. Louis Post-Dispatch – Gratitude in Schools, Denzel Washington (Reuters) Hollywood star Denzel Washington, the son of a pastor, preached a sermon of gratefulness
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Why you Should go to Church Regularly

Over time, I've heard from some of you readers who tell me you haven't been going to church for years, and in my heart this feels as though you're turning down Disneyland, outlet malls, and a sunny day on the beach all at once. (ECWA Archives) When generous people made a California trip possible for our family several years ago, […]

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Words of Wisdom: In-laws of Newly Married Couples

How do you get along with your son- or daughter-in-law? (ECWA Archive) I often teach and write about the experiences that I have working with relationships. Personal experience is often some of the best information I have to protect and help other relationships. In helping marriages, I often try to share some of the barriers that I have seen to […]

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Preventable Disease: Obesity

Obesity – Upgrade Your Health With Sharmita Rideau (Gina Cook) The world tells us the need to lose weight, but only God's Word can give us the power to lose weight!   With all the information floating throughout social media, TV and the Internet about the dangers of being overweight, why is it so hard to lose weight?  No one […]

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Jonathan Cahn: These Are the Days of the Prophets

As if headlines of war, plane crashes and natural disasters are not enough, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says the other sign of judgment in the last days is upon us.   Cahn then recites the prophecy of Isaiah: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."  At the same time America is "racing" into apostasy, Cahn says, the country is […]

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Making your Marriage Last

This is one of the main reasons that couples divorce. (Alan Lambert – Getty Images) I have been married 20 years but I still find that successful communication is the No. 1 challenge in my relationship. And I know I am not alone. Communication issues are the top reason most marriages fail. Thankfully, I have learned one thing over the […]

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Doctors: Just Ditch the Soda

Doctors: Just Ditch the Soda
Just over a can of a soft drink a day could be enough to increase your risk of heart failure by 23 percent.
Soft drinks have been linked to other diseases, like obesity, diabetes, and more, but researchers say it’s the first time a connection has been found between these drinks and heart failure.

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