Tag: faith

Living Proverbs 3:6

by Tommy Zimmer | “In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” Living Proverbs 3:6 In Proverbs 3:6, God
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Visit a Church This Summer

by Rick Hamlin | I was able to worship with a head and heart free of distractions in a congregation of strangers who didn’t seem all that
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Rev. Stephen Panya Baba: My Faith in Jesus Christ

Before we were called into full time ministry, my wife and me were active lay people on the area of
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Rev. Dr. Panya Dabo Baba: A Man Apart

by Dr. Musa A. B. Gaiya | Panya personally founded the Nigeria Evangelical Mission Association
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Faith is a Spiritual Force

Faith is a spiritual force. James is talking about your faith being tested so you will know where you are. Are you able to slay the giants? (image, Che Garman)? "Because it has
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Claiming the Promise of Jesus

The promises of Jesus that most believers have not yet claimed (Donald Sullivan) "My burden is light" (Matt. 11:30). This is one of Jesus' more paradoxical statements. He makes it in the form of a promise. He doesn't promise that we wouldn't have any burdens but that His burden is light. How can that be? Isn't what defines something as […]

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Are You Willing to Die for Your Faith Like This Arab Believer?

Steven Khoury (Sean Roberts)                       For far too long, we in the American church have taken our freedom to worship God for granted. As believers, we can walk into a church and sing praises to Jesus without apprehension of verbal or physical confrontation. With few recent and rare exceptions, we […]

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How to Build a Legacy of Faith for Your Children

Here's how to 'train up a child in the way they should go.' (iStock photo) Research and experience both support the truth that parents are the single most important factor in determining a child's view of God and whether or not faith will become a cornerstone of his or her adult life. Although it is a great responsibility, moms and […]

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