Tag: God

Are We Prepared to Tell God’s Story

Are We Prepared to Tell God’s Story?

by Regis Nicoll | Each year Advent draws the world’s attention afresh to God’s story. It’s a story that Christians

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Repentance-Mercy from God

by Professor e Pastor Jairo Goncalves | The Christian majority does not know the God-Lamb who
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Why Christians Aren’t Laughing at Lance Wallnau Saying God is Raising Up Donald Trump Like Cyrus in Isaiah 45

Wallnau's analysis is ringing true
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How God Defines Success in Your Walk With Him

If you fail at the right thing, you've succeeded (image: weebly.com) We live in a culture that idolizes
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The Goodness of God

by Arthur W. Pink (1886 – 1952) – The goodness of God is seen in the variety of natural pleasures which He has provided for His creatures.
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Kenneth Copeland Says God is Rebirthing America

Christians must go back and confess the Word of God (Image, The prophetic News) When I first
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Loving the Unlovable

How to love the unlovable – Matthew 5:38-48 (photo, Timmy Gibson) What is love, and how do we truly exhibit love? I think we all go on these love craves during which we desire to show God's love as much as we can. We have an encounter with love and want to pour out love every second we get and […]

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When God Says Go

You will know when it's time to go just like God commanded Abraham (ECWA archives) I still remember the response of my son's orthodontist upon finding out that our family was moving from Upper Michigan to Minnesota—"Oooh," he mused while inspecting, through squinted Scandinavian eyes, Seth's newly straightened teeth, "You're going to the flatlands, huh?" "Yeah," I chuckled, "I guess […]

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God Can Restore any Christian to His Side

God Can Restore any Christian to His Side
When God Restores Christian Women Marked by Bad Marriages, Divorce and Crazy Kids

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Finding God in the Desert

When we are in the middle of a desert trek, God’s hand seems absent and we are blinded by the glaring circumstances. (HDWallSource by AWLTER)

Desert times are fruitful times. Though they seem barren, lush fruit is being produced in our lives when we walk through the desert. “For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the works of your hands. He knows your wanderings through this great wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing” (Deuteronomy 2:7).

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