Tag: Imitators of God

Bearing Fruit Is Automatic

Bearing Fruit Is Automatic

if you have never been let down at one time or another by a person or a situation you had hope in, which later turned negative, then you have been living on a planet different from ours. Jesus Christ was let down by a green tree from which he hoped to get fruit to eat. He got nothing. He was […]

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Be A Xerox Copy of God

Be A Xerox Copy of God

“Be imitators of God … as dearly loved children and live a life of love …” (Eph. 5:1-2). God’s invitation to imitate Him is an unscalable challenge to every one of us. Who can imitate God? We failed the test of keeping the Ten Commandments, and God graciously set them aside and introduced salvation by GRACE through FAITH. No one […]

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