Tag: Justice

Vocano - Hawaii

Do You Remember That God Is a God of Wrath?

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness. Rom. 1:18 Wrath is one attribute of God that many do not want to dwell on and consider a misfit for God. God’s attributes are interconnected, and you cannot separate one from the other. They are […]

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Beyonce Mass

The Beloved Community and the Heresy of White Replacement: How “Beyoncé Mass” gave me hope after the Buffalo massacre

At approximately 2:30 p.m. ET on Saturday, a white supremacist terrorist—motivated by a fear that whites were being “replaced” by immigrants and the growth of nonwhite Americans—massacred 10 people and injured three others in predominately Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York. As this 18-year-old young man unleashed a deadly barrage of more than 70 rounds from an assault rifle with […]

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Basic Principles in Medical Ethics

Western medicine was founded on our Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman heritage, where the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person are paramount for decision-making in patient care. Patients place their trust in physicians and nurses to care for them in a compassionate and ethical manner, and we have a moral obligation to properly fulfill that role. Although the […]

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67th ECWA GCC Communique: The Systematic Eradication of Christians in NorthEastern Nigeria Must Stop

Reading of the 67th ECWA GCC Communique (ECWA Headquarters)   Reading of the 67th ECWA GCC Communique by the ECWA President (Rev. Stephen Baba Panya) on the 31st of July 2020 at the ECWA Bishara 1 Tudun Wada, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria      

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The True Meaning of Freedom

We may not have free will, but we can still act freely—sort of. America is a symbol of freedom all over the world, enjoying as it does freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. Our ancestors prized these political freedoms so much that many of them were willing to die defending them. And though many of […]

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Why Do People Choose Not to Go to Church?

Why Do People Choose Not to Go to Church?

This video from Saint James explore the reasons why people don’t go to Church and offers biblical answers as to why it is import to Fellowship with other believers in Christ. (Video: Compliments of Saint James on YouTube) You will appreciate the sincerity of this video and the examples it made to Jesus as our mirror. It points out that […]

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Nelson Mandela- The Human Side of the Icon

Nelson Mandela: The Human Side of the Icon

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world (image: courtesy of Nelson Mandela

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If God Is Just, Why All This Suffering?

Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson | Holding God's goodness and the world's pain in
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