Christmas, Donate, Mission — December 23, 2018 at 8:14 pm

Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Through worship, prayer, civil conversation and service, ECWA members work hard to transform the community they live in to a God loving community.

First and foremost, we express our heartfelt appreciation to all readers of ECWA USA Communicator and ECWA USA Blog. It was with the mere co-operation, enthusiasm, and spirit of people like you we could make ECWA USA Communicator and ECWA USA Blog a grand success. It’s been a wonderful year for us here at ECWA USA. We have so many things to be Thankful to the Lord for. We personally thank you our readers for your support. Your great work for the Lord will be rewarded in Heaven.

ECWA USA is committed to publishing outstanding scholarly and religious manuscripts in all areas of Christian Life. This is just a quick reminder that as the year end, we can always use a little contribution from you to support our mission……proclaiming the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. No amount is too small or too big. Please navigate to our website and click on the Donate button on the upper right of your device. Mobile users may need to touch their Menu (three lines on the upper right of their device) to see the Donate button.

We at ECWA USA thank you from the bottom of our heart for your support. Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  • Doxa

    Doxa Editorial Board: Our editorial board consists of a group of well published, prominent people and professors, with academic credentials and a detailed knowledge of their subject area.

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