God is awesome and very wise. He gave us only three time periods, Past, Present, and Future, and taught us how to live. The past, like 2023, has come and gone, and only memories and lessons learned are what we have left. The future is from the next second to eternity; it is beyond our control. We can only plan and hope but must wait for the future. We cannot borrow from it nor delay it. The present is very brief. It is a split second, and we must use it wisely before it passes into the past. Yet, the decisions we make at that moment have eternal implications. So then, how should we live? Paul’s example is good for us. “I want to know Christ … becoming like him … attaining to the resurrection from the dead. I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me … Forgetting what is behind and straining toward the goal …” (Phi. 3:10-14). Past: Forget it. Present: Know Jesus and live for Him. Future: Look forward to the resurrection. Let us live well in 2024.
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is a missionary to America serving with SIM/ECWA. He is an Economist by profession and has worked as a Statistician with Kaduna State Government. He later pioneered and managed the Challenge Press of ECWA in Jos before God’s call to pioneer the Prayer Ministry of ECWA in Jos, Nigeria. In 1993, God called him to Chicago as a missionary and has been serving there since 1995 to date. Currently, he pastors ECWA Chicago which he planted and serves as the Chairman of the ECWA USA District Church Council. Loves being a grandpa of 8 grandchildren and enjoys writing.
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Author: Rev. Sunday Bwanhot
Rev. Sunday Bwanhot is a missionary to America serving with SIM/ECWA. He is an Economist by profession and has worked as a Statistician with Kaduna State Government. He later pioneered and managed the Challenge Press of ECWA in Jos before God’s call to pioneer the Prayer Ministry of ECWA in Jos, Nigeria. In 1993, God called him to Chicago as a missionary and has been serving there since 1995 to date. Currently, he pastors ECWA Chicago which he planted and serves as the Chairman of the ECWA USA District Church Council. Loves being a grandpa of 8 grandchildren and enjoys writing.