Category: Health

The Spiritual Gift of Physical Exercise

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us workout and be glad in it.Trillia Newbell, guest write Lining up to race my father on the pavement is a favorite pastime. When I was young, he’d always win, only slowing down every now and then to let me think I was fast. Then, one day, I took off, one […]

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5 Ways to Guarantee Success With Your Diet

Are you going to conquer your diet or let it conquer you? (iStock photo) by Steve Siebold, author of Die Fat or Get Tough: 101 Differences in Thinking Between Fat People and Fit People and Fat Loser! Mental Toughness Training for Dieters. With an obesity epidemic that is out of control, getting healthy is one of the most important things you can do. […]

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How Fasting Can Radically Change Your Life Forever

Fasting and praying on a regular basis can be a life-changing experience. (Lightstock) What if one simple act—one singular dedicated effort or sacrifice—could better your life, your soul forever? What if that sacrifice took just an hour or two or even an entire day? Would you do it? Would you consider it worth it? What if that very sacrifice could […]

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Should You Take Aspirin Daily to Prevent Cancer?

Taking aspirin daily isn’t something everyone should do. (iStock photo) Millions of Americans already take low-dose aspirin daily for heart-healthy benefits, and the findings of new federally funded research suggests the long-used painkiller may offer protection against colon cancer. But while the latest findings on aspirin and cancer are promising, a top cancer specialist tells Newsmax Health you shouldn’t automatically assume the […]

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