Tag: christian life

Churches Are an ‘Essential Service’ During Emergencies, According to New South Carolina Law

Churches Are an ‘Essential Service’ During Emergencies, According to New South Carolina Law

South Carolina’s governor on Tuesday signed a bill into law that labels churches and religious organizations an “essential service” during emergencies and, essentially, prohibits the government from closing them. The goal of the new law, signed by Gov. Henry McMaster, is to prevent the state from ordering churches to close during an emergency like COVID-19 — as happened in California and […]

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What it Mean for Elders, Overseers and Pastors to Live a Life Above Reproach

What it Mean for Elders, Overseers and Pastors to Live a Life Above Reproach

The Bible tells us that pastors, overseers and elders should live a life above reproach, so what does that mean exactly? Qualifications The Bible tells us that pastors, elders, deacons or overseers are to live a life above reproach, so what does that mean exactly? To begin with, living a life above reproach is not the only thing that an […]

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Balancing your Christian Life

Balancing your Christian Life

Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun. My mother’s sons were angry with me and made me take care of the vineyards; my own vineyard I had to neglect. Song of Songs 1:6. Have you ever been taken advantage of, manipulated, used, and abandoned? Then, you can understand our verse for […]

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Agapanthus Africanus 'Lily of The Nile'

5 Habits Christians in Isolation Can Cultivate

With just over 200 countries affected by COVID-19, one thing is certain: most people have had to adjust the way they live. Things may never be the same again. Think of the impact on the world’s economy, tourism, healthcare, trade, national relations, etc. Some of us will experience the loss of loved ones. Most of us will suffer financially. Social interaction patterns will […]

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Articles Request for Doxa Magazine

Articles Request for Doxa Magazine

We are requesting anyone who could to write an article for the printed edition of Doxa magazine. Please send your articles of 1000 words or less to editor@doxamagazine.org. Go to https://doxamagazine.org/write-for-us/ for further information. We are looking for well-written articles in the following categories: 1. Family – Marriage, etc. 2. Theological reflection 3. Mission 4. Life’s Journey 5. Tech Innovation […]

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Suffering Wisely and Well: The Grief of Job and the Grace of God

How to Walk Faithfully Through Suffering

Why does God allow suffering? The pain of suffering can be overwhelmingly mysterious, but the Bible does provide answers. Throughout Scripture, God allows trials in order to accomplish specific purposes in the lives of his people. When faced with suffering they experience spiritual growth; repentance from sin; or, as in the Old Testament story of Job, the chance to demonstrate […]

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Samaria (Pinterest)

Saving Souls In Samaria

Scripture: Acts 8:1 Summary: Not every believer is supposed be in a position of leadership in the Church, but every Christian should be an evangelist. Philip was an evangelist. His business was telling others of Jesus. Philip was a deacon (Acts 6:1-7) and he was an evangelist (Acts 8:1-40) ?- he is referred to by the Holy Spirit as “the […]

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Here is how we must live

Here is how we must live

Now all has been heard, here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecc. 12:13) Solomon, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes, was a king. He had executive, Legislative, and judicial powers all vested in him. He was the richest and wisest man on earth, and […]

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SEU-Familiar (SEU Worship (Image courtesy of Merge PR)

Christian Music Releases for March 25, 2022

Christian Music Releases for March 25, 2022 SEU Worship released a new single, “Familiar Song,” today, March 25, 2022 SEU Worship, the worship movement of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, has stepped into a new sound and vision they are calling “prophetic pop.” SEU Worship is a reflection of the worship movement happening during weekly chapels. SEU Worship’s core artists […]

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A recent study from The Barna Group found that 2 in 5 Christian pastors had considered quitting full-time ministry in the past year — but it's not the full picture of the impact of COVID on clergy. (Photo by Ben White/Unsplash/Creative Commons)

Opinion: Is a Great Resignation Brewing for Pastors?

Are nearly 40% of clergy really about to leave the ministry? It’s a question that has come up regularly in conversations among sociologists of religion since The Barna Group, a research firm that focuses on religion, found last year that 2 in 5 Christian pastors had considered quitting full-time ministry in the past year. As director of Hartford Institute for Religion Research, I […]

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