Tag: ecwa

Are You Willing to Die for Your Faith Like This Arab Believer?

Steven Khoury (Sean Roberts)                       For far too long, we in the American church have taken our freedom to worship God for granted. As believers, we can walk into a church and sing praises to Jesus without apprehension of verbal or physical confrontation. With few recent and rare exceptions, we […]

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Prophetic Dream: From Trump to Triumph

"As I looked at this word suddenly the letters began to rearrange and the word went from 'TRUMP" to "TRIUMPH.'" (Lucas Jackson/Reuters, phot/Eric Thayer for The New York Times) Firstly, I want to preface this word by saying that I do not have a political agenda for the United States of America. I am simply one person in Australia who […]

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When Christians Are Targeted for Death

"On this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). "And that rock was Christ" (1 Cor. 10:4). Christians have been targeted for death in a school in Oregon. On a beach in Libya. In the villages of northern Syria. In a hospital in Afghanistan. In the bush of Nigeria and the […]

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The Lost Tribes of Israel: Lost No More

In search of the lost tribes of Israel by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis It reads like a modern-day suspense movie screenplay. A mysterious tribe in a remote corner of the world makes an astonishing claim about its members' historic identity. Ostracized by their neighbors, these lowly outcasts stubbornly insist they're descended from the world's most storied race of people—the Israelites. Skeptical […]

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ECWA General Secretary visits United States, December 7th-21st, 2015

The ECWA General Secretary, Rev. Prof. Samuel W. Kunhiyop by
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3 Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong Children

My baby girl got married recently. As I lay awake many nights prior to the ceremony contemplating my role as the father of the bride and beyond, I also did a lot of reflecting. God is the only one capable of being the perfect father. Much of my time, life and ministry, is spent helping equip churches to help parents—biological […]

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Pentecostal Pastor’s Daughter Survives Oregon Shooting Thanks to Another’s Selfless Act

by Jessilyn Justice (image: wdtv) The pastor says his daughter was frozen to the floor, covered by the body and blood of one of her classmates.   And as his daughter Lacey lay underneath Treven Anspach, her father says she only knew one thing: Pray.   Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer then "walked over my daughter and shot the next one," Pastor Randy Scroggins […]

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Leaving Patriarchy in the Past

Book Title: Our Rating: 4 Stars – Excellent Book Title: Partners in Christ: A Conservative Case for Egalitarianism Author: by John G. Stackhouse Jr.  Publisher: IVP Academic Release Date: November 2, 2015 Pages: 208 Price: $16.61   What are the proper, God-ordained roles for men and women—within the church, the family, the workplace, and broader society? In answering these questions, […]

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Jim Bakker’s Powerful Story Embodies God’s Redemptive and Merciful Love

Jim Bakker is heartily preaching God's Word at 75. (Twitter)           I have known Jim Bakker since the heydays of PTL in the late 1970s. I wrote a Charisma cover story about him in May 1983 after traveling to the relatively new Heritage USA to get a behind-the-scenes look at what was then an increasingly controversial […]

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Why Gospel for Asia Got Kicked Out of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability

Gospel for Asia founder K.P. Yohannan in 2005. Donna McWilliam / Associated Press Leaders from Gospel for Asia (GFA), one of the largest missions agencies in the United States, says they may have been “unintentionally negligent” in their financial and management practices. But they deny any wrongdoing after being ousted by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). In a […]

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