Category: Bible

From Ashes to Beauty

From Ashes to Beauty

“Moses saw that the bush was on fire, but it was not burning up.” (Ex 3:2) Then, that fire of God’s Spirit began to burn on in Moses to free God’s people and bring them to a new land. This is God’s way. Recently another devastating summer bushfire came close to where I live when more than 2000 Ha (5000 acres) […]

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Biblical or Institutional?: On Navigating Hard Church Decisions

Biblical or Institutional?: On Navigating Hard Church Decisions

It’s 2022, the Bible says nothing about how on earth are they still (Doing/not doing) that! If you have spent any amount of time in a local church, you have likely heard this, “It’s 2022, the Bible says nothing about (Insert church action) how on earth are they still (Doing/not doing) that!”, or some similar sentiment once or a hundred […]

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Bible study: Was the resurrection body of Jesus spiritual or physical?

Bible study: Was the resurrection body of Jesus spiritual or physical?

One of the leading naturalistic attempts to account for Jesus’ death, empty tomb, post-mortem appearances, and the early proclamation of the resurrection is that the disciples had individual and group hallucinations. In this case, the New Testament authors would not have meant that the resurrected body of Jesus was physical. But is that what they recorded? We’ll look at the […]

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Christ in You, the Hope of Glory

Christ in You, the Hope of Glory

Christ in You, the Hope of Glory Christ, and Christ alone, is the hope of glory. I first heard these words from my dad (Rev. ISLO Ezigbo, a retired ECWA minister) during my teenage years. He often uttered the expression in situations that might appear hopeless. I later learned, when I began my theological studies, that “Christ, and Christ alone, […]

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The Bible and Lectio Divina: A Helpful Tool or a Dangerous Practice?

With the new year comes a heightened interest in Bible reading plans. The turn of the calendar gives people a renewed sense of opportunity—a moment to make new resolutions and set fresh goals. For believers, this resolve often focuses on more ambitious plans to read God’s Word. This is to be expected, for we are a people defined by a […]

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2020 Global Year of The Bible and The Bible

This is the last in the series on the global year of the Bible. The first two letters emphasized the importance and the benefits of daily Bible reading. The 2020 Global Year of the Bible ends on December 31. But the daily reading of the Bible does not end with it. We embarked on this venture in concert with the […]

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2020 Global Year of the Bible and the Authority of the Scripture

Prayer and Renewal Luke 10: 25- 37 records a conversation Jesus had with a lawyer who came to Him with a trick question. To his question “ What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus responded, “ What is written in the Law? “ How do you read It”? Then the Lawyer replied by quoting from the Torah. Jesus […]

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Africa Study Bible, The New Living Translation (NLT), Hardcover

Why would an old, white, North American, evangelical male be interested in the Africa Study Bible? I’ll get to that in a minute. First, a bit of introduction to this remarkable volume. God’s Word through African Eyes Title: NLT Africa Study Bible, Hardcover By: Oasis International Format: Hardcover Number of Pages: 2144 Vendor: Tyndale House Publication Date: 2017 Weight: 3 […]

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2020 Global Year of The Bible: Just Checking

I wonder how many of us reading this are old enough (in the Lord) to remember a paperback, Mr. Mee Runs A Race, once published by Africa Christian Press(ACP). The book is based on Heb. 12:1-2. It encourages believers to focus on Christ while running the Christian race, but at the same time not to forget the cloud of witnesses […]

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ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest

Weekly Spiritual Digest: Is the Bible Reliable?

by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot | Some people think others don’t believe the Bible because they don’t have sufficient

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