Author: Rev. Sunday Bwanhot

Father’s Greatest Challenge.

Father’s Greatest Challenge

Of the many roles a father has, there is one that should keep every father on his toes. This is the spiritual well being of the family. No father should rest until everyone under his household has a thriving relationship with God. Father’s Day was celebrated this past Sunday in the US; so Happy belated Father’s Day to all fathers. […]

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A Common Problem with Church Bylaws

A Common Problem with Church Bylaws

Fewer laws and not more laws are the solution as Jesus Christ demonstrated. He reduced all the laws to just two: Love God and love your neighbor. God gave 10 Commandments, but the Israelites broke all of them. The Bible declares: “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” […]

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Weekly Spiritual Digest: God Against Multi-Tasking?

Weekly Spiritual Digest: God Against Multi-Tasking?

by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot | Do not multi-task your devotion to God with devotion to making money. God is a jealous God and will not share you with another god. Since the beginning of time women, especially mothers, have mastered the art of  multi-tasking. We salute them. The emergence of smart phones, computers and other devices have created a generation of […]

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Fraudulent Testimonies in the Church

Fraudulent Testimonies in the Church

Success without God is absolute failure. May we choose God’s ways in every pursuit of our lives so we can give Him true praise! God is certainly at work today as He has always been, and the Redeemed of the Lord need to testify about His faithfulness. He answers prayers and give us the desires of our hearts that are […]

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ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest: Lost Opportunity

ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest: Lost Opportunity

by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot | The number 1 loser is Judas Iscariot. One of the twelve disciples who walked with Jesus

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ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest

Weekly Spiritual Digest: Is the Bible Reliable?

by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot | Some people think others don’t believe the Bible because they don’t have sufficient

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ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest

Is There a God?

When a tragedy occurs even atheists cry out or get angry with the God they do not to believe in. Ps. 14:1. The first time I saw the ocean, I was awestruck and the words that came out of my mouth were: “How can anybody say there is no God?” There are some who do not believe in God and […]

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ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest

Does Life Have A Purpose?

by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot | “God said to Jeremiah that even before He formed him in his mother’s womb, he set him apart and had plans for him. Jer. 1:5, 29:11. At age 16, I reasoned that religion was man-made ideology so people could live in peace with one another. I thought I could find the purpose for my life elsewhere […]

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ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest

The Best New Year Resolution

by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot | When you have met with the Lord early, then you can go on your way all day and “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isa. 30:21. January 8, 2019. We all want a blessed, peaceful and […]

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ECWA Weekly Spiritual Digest

Knowing Christ: How to live

by Rev. Sunday Bwanhot | Congratulations that you are among the chosen by God to see this New Year! January 1, 2019 2018 has come and gone with its mixed baggage of good, neutral and bad experiences. 2019 is here! Congratulations that you are among the chosen by God to see this New Year. What will make 2019 a better […]

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